Meanwhile the voice of the woman who had been calling out was getting fainter.
It's fainter than the light-source bleed found on the Nook, but it's still there.
"The second effect is the turbulence of the atmosphere makes things fainter, " Tholen said.
They are 5, 000 times fainter than Sharon, so it's not surprising they haven't been discovered earlier.
Certain rare stars, known as Cepheids, grow brighter and fainter at a regular rate.
On a visit to the area around Zug Island, a fainter version of similar sounds was audible.
With every pulse, the altimeter gave a loud beep, and then a fainter beep as the echo returned.
His belief in Adam Smith withstood tests that would have shrivelled fainter souls.
According to the compass screwed onto the bow, Max was sailing directly for it, due north-northwest, and yet the city lights were growing fainter.
While the supermoon is expected to outshine the fainter Eta Aquarid meteors, NASA meteor expert Bill Cooke predicts that some bright fireballs may be visible.
Many of the victims' families fear that amid the talk of office space, building design, street grids, transit hubs and financing, their voices are becoming fainter.
While Mozilla is being patted on the back by the FTC and privacy advocacy group EFF for its new header tool, Google is garnering fainter praise.
FORBES: Tech Giants Get Their Privacy On, From Do-Not-Track to Tunisia
But the host is likely to be between 3, 000 and one million times fainter than the Sun, so the top of the planet's atmosphere is likely to be colder than Pluto.
Rather than looking for the tiny Doppler shift of a bright star, in other words, Dr Cameron and his team were looking for the much larger Doppler shift of a much fainter planet.
Because the astronomers were looking at the asteroid low in the sky, they were viewing it through a lot of atmosphere, which scattered some of the light and made the object fainter, he said.
Large telescopes are desirable both because they collect more light (and can therefore see fainter objects), and because they can disentangle the images of things that are too close together to be separated by smaller ones.
Her skin, every follicle and flaw in focus in the ground glass of his lens, had the same sun- and sea-wind weathering, but fainter, of the stones of the Californian desert, and her hips had the convolutions of the naked mountains.
We USMNT fans are also spoiled by those echoes growing fainter by the year of that glorious 2002 quarterfinal run by the our boys in the World Cup which, in the end, was really nothing more than a bunch of mature and young players coming together at exactly the right time, a fortuitous draw and a few lucky bounces.
To do that, Project 1640 effectively blots out the light from stars, which allows astronomers to more clearly observe what might be around them, including objects up to 10 million times fainter than the star itself (the image on the right above is a nearby star captured with the imaging system in place, compared to the same star captured without the new system on the left).
ENGADGET: Project 1640 offers new way to search for planets beyond our solar system