• Inside, I found a beefy, watchful, fair-haired man, who said his name was Armando.

    NEWYORKER: Silver or Lead

  • Aisling was his girl, fair-haired and pretty, with expressive blue eyes, younger than Manning by more than a year.

    NEWYORKER: Bravado

  • The failure to hunt a sixth fair-haired attacker, who has still not been traced, was due to a lack of logic and thoroughness.

    BBC: Met's 'incompetence' in Lawrence investigation

  • The bad news for Murdoch's fair-haired British rival, Richard Branson, is that many of those customers may have come from his pay-TV company, Virgin Media.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Yet they are still to sort out an ethnic squabble of their own, between Norway's fair-haired 4.5m majority and its 45, 000-strong Sami minority up in the Arctic.

    ECONOMIST: The Sami people are unhappy

  • The bad news for Murdoch's fair-haired British rival, Richard Branson, is that many of those customers may have come from his pay-TV company, Virgin Media (nasdaq: VMED - news - people ).

    FORBES: BSkyB Jumps On More Subscribers

  • Fair- haired and slight of build, Edward is not so long- limbed as Henry, less angular, and his clean- shaven cheeks are bright with the admissions of one who, despite his ambitions, has actually spent little time out of doors.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Woodsburner'

  • Myhrvold is of Nordic extraction, and he looks every bit the bearded, fair-haired Viking not so much the tall, ferocious kind who raped and pillaged as the impish, roly-poly kind who stayed home by the fjords trying to turn lead into gold.

    NEWYORKER: In the Air

  • Five minutes later, Martin Gleeson broke for the line and was absolutely clobbered by Briscoe - the kind of tackle from which you get up expecting to find a monster prop forward towering over you rather than a lanky, fair-haired full-back.

    BBC: World Cup scouting report

  • He was a tall, fair-haired matinee idol who was also a Class One driver, trained by the SAS. Tebbutt knew that by going to work for Diana he was effectively shutting the door to any future work with the Prince of Wales, but he had a soft spot for Diana.

    NPR: In Death, Diana Got Through to Royals, Author Says

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