For the ambitious, the related fairs mean enough art to test your time and stamina.
Stevenson participates in major art fairs like Art Basel, abc in Berlin and Paris Photo.
Collectors should also look out for satellite art fairs that take place around larger events.
He calls these destinations "midways, " as the sideshow areas of fairs were once known.
The number of "gap fairs" promoting organized educational, travel or service programs is rising, however.
Others I stumble on at openings and art fairs, at dinner parties and in elevators.
Then last September, he went to one of the Chamber of Commerce's hiring fairs in Portland.
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Set up job fairs in Bangalore and Taipei and hand out free boat tickets.
The test of a product or item is how well it fairs under stress.
Craft fairs and shops offer opportunities for knitters and crafters to sell their creations.
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Apart from these twice-a-year bridal fairs, boys and girls only have contact in Internet chats.
One sticking point, which the British government must resolve by the end of this year:art fairs.
"They're showing up at arms fairs they've never been to before, " said Siemon T.
Telephone-survey companies and police departments also take part in the fairs to find future employees.
We have discussed and promoted export fairs for small businesses to do business overseas.
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Meanwhile, two other urban blights are also forcing their way into state fairs: advertising and politics.
He got his start trading computers, but saw that trade fairs had more business potential.
The Chamber of Commerce has hosted job fairs for veterans in cities across the country.
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It encompasses museums, shows and fairs and work to promote public understanding of the history of science.
Fall in love with the charming town of Ludlow, with quaint shops, craft fairs, and covered bridges.
He says career fairs are still relevant, however, he always advises candidates against relying solely on them.
Mela means a fair, and as with all fairs plenty of business is done at Kumbh Melas.
Colleges offer students access to exclusive job posting databases, alumni career networks, workshops, job fairs and individual counseling.
And the Chamber is going to host more than 100 job fairs across the country for these individuals.
Etsy, and online craft fairs like it, have become a filter, bringing together like-minded crafters and their customers.
Before the caucuses, this energetic species can be seen marching in parades and munching pies at county fairs.
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On the other hand, American collectors, who typically flock to major art fairs world-wide, have proven surprisingly scarce.
Such fairs, of course, are not an American invention: they have evolved from the medieval fairs of Europe.
The FBI has also recruited employees at job fairs held at the mosque.
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Job aspirants are here attending fairs or trying to pass their resumes to Major League and Minor League teams.