He said the illusions and fairy tales of the right had been stripped away.
But let's not be distracted by fairy tales about how the sky is falling.
Nor is our presumed knowledge of fairy tales enough to make any of these figures whole.
The days when fairy tales were the preserve of the animation department are over.
We love fairy tales yet are fascinated by princes who turn out to be frogs.
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It all depends on how far back you look for the beginning of those fairy tales.
Fairy tales tell us that such knowledge, or fear, is not fantastic but realistic.
The picture Brooks painted was of a man who inhabited his own fairy tales.
In most fairy tales, after all, the fountain of youth turns out a bitter disappointment.
The fairy tales are well stocked with delightful paradoxes, yet they are encircled by strangeness and sadness.
They are now wide awake, although, in the media, their minions still repeat the same bullish fairy tales.
Top film maker Rituparno Ghosh described him as a man "who created fairy tales out of colour and lines".
What are some little known facts about popular fairy tales and folk stories?
Believing that governments have sincere and good intentions in administering the monetary system is akin to believing in fairy tales.
This journey has been fraught with similarly quixotic dead ends, fairy tales and blunders ignoring economic (and thermodynamic) realities.
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Jane Corbin sat there dreamy-eyed and wondrous while Major Duncan McSporran regaled her with fairy tales from the Arabian Nights.
In Grimm's Fairy Tales, what does the wolf do to Red Riding Hood's granny or the witch plan to do to Hansel?
In 1812 the brothers Grimm started to publish their fairy tales, among them the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Lhasa grew up reading fairy tales and incorporating them into her songs.
Until Detsky Mir's new owners can prove that they can at least organise their shop properly, their other plans will be fairy tales.
The reason that most people value fairy tales, I would say, is that they do not detain us with hope but simply validate what is.
Famed for its printing cards of saints, wars and fairy tales, the town was about to receive a new legend to add to the list.
Turning to fairy tales for inspiration is nothing new in Hollywood.
The main reason that Zipes likes fairy tales, it seems, is that they provide hope: they tell us that we can create a more just world.
All in all, it's the kind of day that might make adherents to the Goldilocks scenario--that the markets are "just right"--reconsider their belief in fairy tales.
Venables: According to a study by Cheryl Olson, kids are already exposed to extreme violence in fairy tales and kids are all right with that.
Even the puns and plays off old fairy tales (the city of Ding Dong Dell, for instance, or the villainous mouse king Hickory Dock) feel fresh.
Those who like their fairy tales served up subversive -- or at the very least hip and self-referential like "Shrek" -- would do well to look elsewhere.
Fairy tales and urban folklore were created for entertainment, but also as a terrifying way to teach life lessons to young children, essentially scaring them into submission.
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