While almost every country now votes, public faith in democracy is on the wane.
Papua New Guinea is predominantly Christian, but many communities combine their faith with tribal traditions.
After all, they are already quite free to marry someone of any other faith.
"We have faith in the inquest, so hopefully we will get the answers, " he said.
BBC: Savita Halappanavar death: Husband has faith in inquest
Any "economy of exclusion" is out-of-step with who we are as people of faith.
If Colombians are not to lose faith in their army, this better come up with some changes.
And all they say is 'all the victims need is faith' - not therapy, not compensation - faith.
We tend to think of a chaplain's faith as his armor against the horrors of war.
Faith is no civil contract, but a personal matter not to be profaned by politics.
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Mara Vanderslice is the Deputy Director at The White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
Without that faith in law and order, only force remains between society and chaos.
Thursday's verdict may help to restore faith among Serbs in the neutrality of the special court.
BBC: UN court acquits Serbia intelligence chiefs of war crimes
Biblical scholars turned their noses up, calling it hysteria, theatrics, a faith of the illiterate.
While that may sound like a steal, the investment required a leap of faith.
Faith, however, is not the same as hard science, as the blog points out.
We will take whatever action is necessary to restore faith in our exam system.
BBC: Government calls for 'fundamental reform' of exam system
The carrier contacts I have talked to have little faith in the new Torch devices.
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In the ultimate show of faith in the pair of managers, redemptions were few.
And it would be a mistake to place too much faith in these new studies.
Now they are sworn to restore the true faith and its central creed: never raise taxes.
Whoever wins, the hardest task may be to restore public faith in democratic politics.
We are joining together with faith-based and neighborhood organizations to maximize resources and outcomes.
Faith-based groups are bringing hope to pockets of despair, with newfound support from the Federal Government.
For many of those living in Loma Lindo long life is a matter of faith.
After months of investigating the case, Gilbert found that her faith in the prosecution was shaken.
CNN's Mike Pearson, Faith Karimi, Matt Smith, Greg Botelho and Catherine Shoichet contributed to this report.
What I can say that a very deep philosophical film about exploring faith and belief.
It was thought to be the largest bad faith verdict in Wisconsin state court history.
FORBES: Weekly Verdicts Roundup: Christie's, Hyundai, The Hartford, CNA
The trick is achieving that balance between talking enough about faith and talking too much.
As Northwest filed for bankruptcy on Mar. 15, 2005, Honda made a leap of faith.