He would show that religious faith and reason could co-exist in the modern world.
Among America's conservative intellectuals, the pope's message that faith and reason can be reconciled is a highly resonant one.
He sees the pope as using "both faith and reason" in his efforts to bring the life of Jesus closer.
That difficulty was underscored early in his papacy when the pope delivered a 2007 speech to scholars on the relationship between faith and reason.
In the middle of a dense, intellectual, argument about faith and reason, laid out in a speech at Regensburg University in his native Germany, he made reference to a dialogue between a Byzantine ruler, Manuel II Paleologos, and a Persian scholar.
"His insights into the relationship between faith and reason, into the vital place of revealed religion in civilised society, and into the need for a broadly-based and wide-ranging approach to education were not only of profound importance to Victorian England, but continue today to inspire and enlighten many all over the world, " he said.
The lecture, entitled Faith, Reason and the University: Memories and Reflections, explored the historical and philosophical differences between Islam and Christianity, and the relationship between violence and faith.
"All those reports pointed out there was good reason to be optimistic about the future and their faith is being borne out by the improvement in our performance, " he said.
BBC: The service is on track to beat its response targets for May
After all, if a federal judge might deem one of the shelters to be valid, then surely the creators of those controversial and complex devices had reason to believe, in good faith, that they had acted lawfully.
One reason is their century-old secular tradition, which fiercely defends the separation of faith and state, and makes most French people uneasy about conspicuous religion.
The reason was that he was a man of deep faith, who set high standards for himself--and for others.
Additionally, the loss of the Starz contract is another compelling reason that the company needs to strike several deals in near future to restore the lost faith of subscribers and investors.
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