Ms Hussein says she has done nothing wrong under Sharia law, but could fall foul of a paragraph in Sudanese criminal law that forbids indecent clothing.
He aims to break even in Europe by March 2004, though that goal would also fall foul of a war, assuming that travellers are scared off for a while.
Exuberant Australian spinner Shane Warne was another to fall foul of a drug ban, only his was not a herbal substance but the diuretics hydrochlorothiazide and amiloride normally used to aid temporary weight loss.
He said teaching that encouraged homophobic bullying would fall foul of a "range of different pieces of legislation" but the "ban on that type of behaviour and what is done in lessons does not extend to particular source material".
Yet, even a plebiscite may fall foul of the eternity clause.
ECONOMIST: The supreme court wants to rule on the euro rescue
SPS's upwardly and geographically mobile voters, the people most likely to be living and renting in a different city, fall foul of this.
Annan's Boxing Day match against Berwick Rangers was first to fall foul of the weather after a 0830 GMT pitch inspection on Thursday and by the end of the day 12 others had been called off.
The NMPH is now working hard to try and formalise a way of operating that will not fall foul of the Data Protection Act.
The other three Samsung was found to be violating were about the look and feel of the hardware itself, something that other manufacturers might not fear (for example, my Sony Ericsson Experia, with a folding keyboard, is most unlikely to fall foul of an Apple look and form patent).
Long-term, policy analysts say, coal's comeback will inevitably fall foul of EU environmental policy, which calls for a 20 per cent reduction in carbon emissions from 1990 levels by 2020 and a growing role for solar, wind and biomass in electricity generation.
But the deal involves a fifteen billion euro cash injection , and may yet fall foul of regulators in Brussels.
"One of the principal concerns that men considering teaching feel is the worry that they will fall foul of rules which make normal contact between adults and children a legal minefield, " he said.
And bosses can be sent to prison for up to 20 years if their companies fall foul of the FCPA. In theory, they could be jailed because a staff member at a foreign subsidiary bribed an official without their knowledge.
One is that many HR professionals grow up in a quasi-legal world where their job is all about ensuring the organization does not fall foul of labor laws.