It still seems unlikely that they will allow themselves to fall victim to a technological revolution.
Global Payments is the latest company to fall victim to a large-scale hacking incident.
As depositors and bondholders across the euro zone factor in the increased risk that their assets could also fall victim to a break-up, other countries would come under pressure.
People often fall victim by following a link to a booby-trapped website that installs the malicious program when they visit.
John McCain, Goldwater's successor both in the Senate and in spirit, remember Goldwater as a unique figure in American history: a politician and military leader who did not fall victim to the power of his position, but a man who stood by his principle and his party.
Already abandoned by the Obama Administration, CLASS has no champion on Capitol Hill and is likely to fall victim to implacable Republican opposition and a lack of Democratic support.
Yet in reality, a tourist is far more likely to fall victim to health problems.
Mr. Angelastri's case shows how even a business that tries to protect itself can fall victim to hackers.
But if manufacturers opt for a rival candidate, it may just become yet another acronym to fall victim to the format wars.
Another possibility, though, is that Qwest itself will fall victim to America's telecoms-merger frenzy perhaps to a Baby Bell in a hurry to enter the long-distance market.
Even established authors can fall victim to bouts of public childishness, as author Alice Hoffman did in several peevish Tweets to a Boston Globe critic who gave her a mildly critical review.
They have moved into the tech magazines' territory, increasing their technology coverage substantially and have launched technology supplements. (The Economist, too, plans a quarterly supplement for later this year.) The danger for the tech magazines is that they may fall victim to exactly what they so often predict: as technology becomes ubiquitous, magazines devoted solely to that field will find themselves obsolete.