The fall in profit in the second quarter broke a three-quarter streak of year-over-year profit growth.
The bank was particularly hit by a 54% fall in profit at its investment-banking arm.
The fall in profit in the third quarter broke a three-quarter streak of year-over-year profit growth.
Societe Generale analyst Irene Himona said the results marked a strong quarter for BP, despite the fall in profit.
Banking giant Credit Suisse has reported a 74% fall in net profit for the first three months of the financial year compared to the same period in 2001.
Despite record sales last year, the company reported a 1.3% fall in operating profit.
Earlier this week, rival PC maker Dell reported an 11% drop in revenue and a 31% fall in quarterly profit.
The results were much worse than those of rival UBS, which on Tuesday reported a 14% fall in net profit to 1.36bn francs.
Renault posted a 15% fall in net profit and said it expects new vehicles and fewer sales incentives would return its money-losing automotive operations to profit this year.
The mining group reported a 22% fall in first-half profit as metals prices fell and spoke of near-term uncertainty, but said it was confident about demand in the long run.
However, with the global economic downturn leading to a fall in economic activity across the world, profit margins fell to around 16% in 2009.
It comes as the group reported a 58% fall in half-year net profit, knocked by weaker metal prices.
Time Warner reported a 21 percent fall in its third-quarter profit Wednesday due to costs related to debt and increased programming expenses.
After announcing an unexpected fall in first-half net profit, Swiss Re said that John Coomber, its chief executive, would step down at the end of the year.
Lafarge also reported an 89.0% fall in fourth-quarter net profit.
Ericsson reported a steep fall in fourth-quarter net profit on a combination of more cautious spending from U.S. carriers, losses at joint ventures and an unfavorable swing in its business mix.
In January, Manganese Bronze had to issue a profit warning, saying that it had made no profit in 2011 and could fall short of expectations this year.
In a short sale, a trader sells borrowed stock, hoping it will fall in price and can be repurchased later at a profit.
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Yahoo, on the other hand, saw profit fall 28% on a 24% decline in revenue, as the company continued to lose traffic to other venues such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
In fact, most investments fail and many fall short on the profit side.
The share price fall comes despite Moody's reporting a 66% jump in net profit for the last quarter of 2012.
For you to be right and earn a profit on your contracts, prices in Los Angeles must fall more than 11.5%.
It predicted net profit in the first six months of the year would fall as much as 60% from a year earlier.
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It was a response to the controversy touched off last fall by a report in the Los Angeles Times featuring a Davis, California for-profit embryo selling business that opened in 2010.
FORBES: Making Babies: Selling Embryos, Despite Ethical Concerns, Addresses Genuine Needs
It managed to hold profits steady in the year to the end of March, but the current half-year profit will fall by about a fifth.
U.S. corporate profits (which are expressed in nominal terms) have tended to rise and fall at about twice the rate of world nominal dollar GDP, suggesting double-digit profit growth again in 2006.
Short-selling is when an investor sells shares in a company they don't actually own, in the hope that the share price will fall and the shares can be bought back cheaper, to yield a profit.