As the number of educated Chileans rises, the premium they command in the labour market falls. (This is why income inequality in Chile has been falling a bit.) Employers give more weight to degrees from the top universities.
"The bid team regard Arsenal as one of the great clubs of European football but also one that is no longer punching its weight and is in danger of falling behind, " an unidentified person affiliated with the bid told the Telegraph.
Our columnists disagree, but the weight of opinion is that it will keep falling because of war, trade deficits and fatigue with American equity markets.
Len Blavatnik has been putting his billionaire weight behind the music industry, trying to reverse a stubborn trend of falling revenue and shrinking profits.
As someone who has maintained a fifty-pound weight loss, I make sure to eat a small dessert every day, to keep me from falling face-first in a pile of chocolate.