But he is also funded by the False Face Society, who want some of the weapons as well.
You know, despite all the statements of support, I think a lot of this is really a false face.
With the False Face Society merging the freaks and masked villains into armed groups with distinct territories, Batman faces a worst case scenario for Gotham and his own private life.
Starting off the second set of films (or second trilogy) would be Black Mask and his False Face Society, as they take over the Gotham underworld, combining the traditional organized crime with freaks running the gangs and working as the most trusted, deadly members.
The law stipulates that anyone convicted of kidnapping, illegally detaining, or jailing people by force or under false pretences face a prison sentence of no less than seven years.
BBC: Libya PM's aide Mohamed al-Ghattous freed by kidnappers
Ranchers worry that they will face false claims to their land.
Also charged with conspiracy and making false statements, he could face up to 30 years in prison if convicted on all counts.
Also charged with conspiracy and making false statements, Edwards could face up to 30 years in prison if convicted on all counts.
There also may be false ID and theft charges to face in Pennsylvania, he said.
There may also be false ID and theft charges to face in Pennsylvania, he said.
Two other defendants, Fernandes's ex-wife Dayanne Rodrigues and an ex-lover, Fernanda Gomes de Castro, face charges of abduction and false imprisonment.
Today, in the face of repeated and patently false statements by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asserting that no agreements on this issue were ever reached, Livni has opted to say nothing.
They also face charges of destroying documents and making false statements to investigators.
Joshua and Sharyn Hakken face charges including kidnapping, child neglect, false imprisonment, burglary and interference with custody.
But history teaches that the false comfort of complacency is a dangerous indulgence in the face of a determined enemy.
Between them, Mr Wakeford and Mr Tuli -who worked in AOL's Business Unit and NetBusiness Unit respectively - face four counts of securities fraud, four counts of making false statements and 22 counts of wire fraud.
The Justice Department said Ahmadullah Sais Niazi, 34, was to appear before a federal judge in Santa Ana, California, late Friday to face a five-count indictment on perjury, fraud and making false statements.
If those arrested were Iraqi Chaldean Christians who frequently try to enter the U.S., claiming they face persecution in Iraq and California is home to a sizable Chaldean community, why make false statements and destroy documentation at all?
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Iraqi-American smuggling ring in Peru
Mr Hakken will face charges which include two counts of kidnapping, interfering with child custody, child neglect and false imprisonment.