Thou shalt not bear false witness.
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The allegations concern false claims for witness care taxi services when no such services had been supplied, the CPS said in a statement.
The allegations concern false claims for witness care taxi services.
And it was connected with the filing of the false affidavit by that witness.
But his false statements then constitute witness tampering and obstruction of justice.
It is alleged that Mr Sheridan made false statements as a witness in his defamation action against the News of the World on 21 July 2006.
The plaintiff, Abdullah Al-Kidd, alleges that prosecutors never had any intention of calling him as a witness and submitted a false affidavit for the purpose of persuading a federal magistrate to issue a material witness warrant.
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This is more than witness tampering, it is witness compulsion of false testimony by an employer to a subordinate employee.
Guolee is a parolee who served time for intimidating a witness and giving a pawnbroker false information, among other charges, court records show.
Defense attorney Edward MacMahon said Moussaoui's right to a fair trial has been violated by Martin's false information, as well as her improper witness coaching.
He personally encouraged a witness, Monica Lewinsky, to provide false testimony.
The much-hyped launch of The Daily by News Corp and Apple has, after a few false starts, finally happened and today we were invited to witness the future of publishing.
She has countered with a motion that the grandchildren offered to bribe Breen into giving false testimony (suggesting, perhaps, that he didn't witness the signing of the 2001 will).
Either this was false, or her taped conversations are false: either way, her flip-flop makes her a suspect witness.
Mrs Sheridan denies making false statements on 31 July 2006, after being sworn in as a witness in the civil jury trial at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.
Perjury: On the 8 July 1987 as a sworn witness in judicial proceedings at the High Court, made a false statement that the diary was in existence before 26 October 1986.
Los Angeles City Attorney Carmen Trutanich said in a statement that after a two-week trial, a jury convicted the 40-year-old Francis of three counts of false imprisonment, one count of assault causing great bodily injury and one count of dissuading a witness.