Thinking he was suffering from insomnia, his family doctor suggested zolpidem to help him sleep.
Millions, many with just mild or temporary depression, asked their family doctor for a prescription.
Matthew Athey, from the RNIB charity, said any concerns should be discussed with a family doctor.
But progress is being made to try to improve this within GP (or family doctor) training.
If the PGM takes off and regulators let him, your family doctor could buy one--and so could you.
Whether individuals should need a referral from their family doctor to have their DNA scanned would seem unnecessary.
Nor did we have insurance middlemen who add no value sitting in between you and your family doctor.
FORBES: One Great Idea for Reducing Health Care Costs: Use Technology to Bring Back House Calls
Or bypass the family doctor, who is off for the weekend, and head to the more-expensive acute care clinic?
This team may evolve as your child's needs change, and your family doctor or pediatrician can coordinate the care.
After one too many midnight panic attacks, Chanda talked to her family doctor.
Their son Richard was at home when pins and needles took him to the family doctor for a check up.
The fact that a trusted family doctor could kill so many of his patients was hard to believe, let alone understand.
You'll likely begin by seeing your family doctor or your child's pediatrician.
Fletcher is a family doctor who lost to Baesler by 12 points in 1996 but won the job when Baesler left two years later.
China still has only one family doctor for every 22, 000 people.
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This has eroded the unique relationship once had with the family doctor and can mean that GPs feel reluctant to raise sensitive issues during a one-off consultation.
Imagine the following: your family doctor says you need emergency heart surgery and books you into the top clinic in the country, which is out of state.
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If the president is trying to ensure that every senior has a family nurse, instead of a family doctor, that last proposal is the way to do it.
For example, the average wait to see a new family doctor in this country is just under three weeks, according to a 2009 survey by medical consultancy Merritt Hawkins.
The family ended up with an elderly family doctor who said he had "seen it all" and was willing to treat the children if they got sick, Ms. Felice said.
The government has retained some crucial objectives, notably the pledge to achieve by 2008 a maximum all-in waiting time for elective treatment, from a family doctor's referral to the operating table, of 18 weeks.
Dr Chisholm warned that government reforms - including a maximum 48 hour wait to see a family doctor - would be impossible to deliver unless more GPs were recruited and more funds made available.
Bottom line: To meet the promise of free preventive care nationwide, every family doctor in America would have to work full-time delivering it, leaving no time for all the other things they need to do.
Most children are registered with a family doctor, but Fizza Qureshi, who runs Project London for Doctors of the World, a charity, says this is getting harder as practice managers insist on proof of status first.
Instead, it aims to help those people who want to be able to obtain reputable products, but who do not want to get them via a family doctor, perhaps because they are embarrassed about their condition.
Some DPC providers such as WhiteGlove Health and Organic Medicine Now take it a step further and make house calls that harken back to the days of your family doctor stopping by your house just a few decades ago.
FORBES: One Great Idea for Reducing Health Care Costs: Use Technology to Bring Back House Calls