Police will now search the family plot of Sinclair Upton, an acquaintance of Gartshore's, in a bid to draw the 55-year mystery to a close.
When she was 13, with food scarce and every child's hands needed to work the family plot, her mother sold the family cow to pay for Wambugu's boarding school 10 miles away.
When she was 13, with food scarce and every child's hands needed to work the family plot, her mother sold the family cow to pay for Wambugu's boarding school 16 kilometers away.
An exhumation of the Upton family burial plot in January did not find Moira's remains.
The digging at the Upton family burial plot began on Tuesday under the supervision of Strathclyde Police and is expected to last four days.
In the program, couples also learn about the history of the African-American marriage and many for the first time plot their family tree to trace marriage and divorces.
From fresh research, it is Dr Hiley's belief that this "unbalanced fantasist" was a member of an MI5 department facing closure which fabricated this plot against the Wheeldon family to justify keeping their department open.
General Schneider died after resisting a kidnapping attempt which, the family says, was part of a wider plot to prevent the Chilean Marxist leader, Salvador Allende, from becoming president.
The Tudor building started by Sir Thomas Tresham was never finished after the family fell out of favour for being associated with the Gunpowder Plot.
The narrator becomes a young boy (alternately played by Noah Radcliffe and Jack Broderick) who wanders into a nearby forest to escape a family argument and gets swept up in the fast-unfolding plot, in which Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Jack (the one who brought down the beanstalk) run collectively afoul of a witch, a wolf and a giant.
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The film's unique plot follows an Italian Jew through his marriage to his family's internment in a Nazi death camp, where he shields his young son from reality by creating an elaborate game.
Thomas Karinos has found some work in a local eel farm, but the family, like so many, now rely in part on their small plot of land.
The actor has maintained that he knew nothing about the bombing plot and that he asked for the guns to protect his family after receiving threats during sectarian riots in Mumbai.
Prosecutors said Beasley and Brogan used the job postings as bait in a robbery plot aimed at down-on-their-luck victims with few family ties that might highlight their disappearance.
Set in America in the not-too-distant future, the novel braided countless characters and ideas into a deliriously strange and self-consciously literary plot, involving a tennis academy, a recovery facility, a dysfunctional family and a debilitatingly gripping film.
ECONOMIST: The fevered imaginings of a dazzling American writer
The family of Sinclair Upton, who was buried there in 1957, have consented to their plot being excavated.
The family claimed an MI5 agent, posing as an objector, embroiled Mrs Wheeldon in a plot to poison dogs guarding prisoners against the war.
However, Kerger refused to disclose any plot details, including whether Shirley MacLaine would return as a newly introduced American relative to the Crawley family.
The plot brings the cultured and rather high-minded Schlegels in contact with a very different sort of family, the Wilcoxes, who appear to represent English values at their most infuriatingly solid and complacent.