In 1985, the National Front, France's far-right party, was already gathering over a quarter of the vote in local elections here.
However they failed to agree to phase out sanctions imposed four months ago upon Austria, after it had included a far-right party in its government.
Greek left-wing MP Dimitris Stratoulis has said he was attacked in Athens by three men claiming to be supporters from the far-right party Golden Dawn.
And while Golden Dawn gained strength, another far-right party, LAOS, lost its small presence in the 300-seat parliament as voters punished it for its support for Greece's austerity program, Gemenis pointed out.
Support for Jobbik, the thuggish far-right party which won 17% of the vote in April, and the Magyar Garda, its uniformed wing, is sliding as the party fractures amid a welter of mutual recriminations.
Germany's constitutional court in Karlsruhe rejected the ban after it established that most of the evidence against the far-right party was inadmissible because it had been collected by government intelligence agents who had infiltrated the organisation.
This shift had been preceded in the late 1990s by the rise of two new parties: Shinui, an anti-clerical outfit founded by Tommy Lapid, and Yisrael Beitenu, a far-right party, backed mainly by Russian immigrants, led by Avigdor Lieberman.
Austria's far-right Freedom Party has seen its support halved in a regional poll in the country's largest province.
And on the home front, a key pledge to ban the far-right NPD party has floundered after it emerged that key witnesses were long-time police informers.
But these days it is a former devotee of Mr Bolkestein's, Geert Wilders of the far-right Freedom Party, who runs a website for citizens to complain about Polish migrants.
Last week Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right Freedom Party, which provides the minority government with backbench support, lashed out against plans to extend further financial backing to Greece.
Mr Orban gives enough to take the pressure off, but he carefully guards his domestic base, especially on the right flank, as the far-right Jobbik party remains a threat.
The coalition suffered a further setback in the Viennese municipal election of October 2010, when the far-right Freedom Party won 26% of the vote, placing it second only to the Social Democrats.
Bayrou accused Sarkozy of lurching to the extreme right in the past two weeks of campaigning, as he attempts to appeal to the 6.5 million first-round supporters of the far-right National Front party, BFM-TV reported.
CNN: French presidential rivals enter final day of campaigning
Locals rub along with the newcomers well enough, and no candidate from the far-right British National Party is standing.
The killings have reheated the debate in Germany as to whether to ban the far-right National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD).
Roberto Calderoli, a minister from the far-right Northern League party, has called for the team's president Luca di Montezemolo to quit.
Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the far-right Yisrael Beiteinu party, says he is opposed to the principle of "land-for-peace", on which the two-state solution is based.
At the same time the far-right British National Party, which might be expected to benefit from rising immigration, lost its only seat in London's assembly.
The far-right British National Party in fact lost all six of the seats it was defending in local councils and failed to win any new ones.
Last year the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) won 9% of the vote in Saxony, giving it seats in a German state assembly for the first time since 1968.
BBC: Michael Regener was convicted of spreading racial hatred
EU, it is nothing when set against the words of Devlet Bahceli of the far-right National Action Party, which came second in the general election and might join Mr Ecevit's in a coalition.
In an interview with French television on Monday, he also alleged that the former head of the far-right National Front party, Jean-Marie Le Pen, funded part of his 1988 presidential campaign with money from Gabon's late ex-president Omar Bongo, AFP reports.
Five Polish men have been convicted of carrying out the theft on behalf of a Swedish man, Anders Hoegstroem, who helped found the far-right National Socialist Front party in Sweden in 1994.
On November 10th the Christian Democrats moved to expel Martin Hohmann, a far-right backbencher, from the party.
ECONOMIST: The Christian Democrats eject a right-wing extremist
The Swiss parliament elected Christoph Blocher of the far-right Swiss People's Party to the country's seven-man cabinet.
Only the far-right xenophobes of the Slovak Nationalist Party might consider backing him.