Now, they are enjoying world-wide fame and have fan clubs as far afield as California.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Male voice choir reaches top 10
What's more, Dubai is cosmopolitan and business-friendly enough to lure talent from far afield.
Fans from as far afield as Japan e-mailed the club to say they had done so.
The rest are from countries as far afield as the US and Equatorial Guinea.
Other first timers, like Arron Bullen from west Belfast, had not come from so far afield.
Wind and geothermal power could be gathered from as far afield as South America and Siberia.
The new Olympic structures in east London could beat even that, drawing punters from far afield.
ECONOMIST: The culture industry will struggle during the Olympics
He sees signs of it as far afield as India, Ireland and Latin America.
But you have to go pretty far afield to find something people would call abnormal these days.
Incidents had been reported as far afield as Warwickshire, Hampshire, Somerset, London and the Isle of Wight.
For many managers, putting a gloss on a dealership might seem far afield from hard-nosed brand investment.
The questioning, he said, ran far afield even from the vaguely stated allegations contained in the so-called notice.
Some pickers has travelled from as far afield as Scotland and Poland for the opening of the beds.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Cocklers descend as ban is lifted
Within Europe, only Britain and France (both nuclear powers) have a tradition of wielding military force far afield.
Visitors from as far afield as Australia, America and Holland have been taking advantage of the festive name.
It has sent troops as far afield as Aceh and Congo and co-ordinated big national deployments in Lebanon.
The series was popular abroad too, shown on TV screens as far afield as Russia, China and South Africa.
Donations for the memorial came from as far afield as Canada and Australia.
But in a recent effort to diversify, Norman has ventured far afield, into wines, casual wear, restaurants and yachts.
The sale is attracting bids from as far afield as Italy and Indonesia.
Fossils from as far afield as western Queensland and southern Victoria indicate that such creatures, and their rainforest habitat, were once widespread.
The men came from as far afield as Bradford, Leeds, London and Slough.
Through clever intermarriage and conquest, the Habsburgs ruled as far afield as modern day Ukraine, Montenegro, Spain and the Netherlands.
We do not at this point see a need for us to look into matters far afield from Dow Jones.
WSJ: 'What About the Journal?' A Report from the Special Committee
In recent years he has been asked to decorate shutters in cities as far afield as Tokyo and New York.
Cocklers from Flintshire have been joined by people from as far afield as Scotland and Poland for the two-day resumption.
Daily flights arrive packed from around the region, with longer-haul routes beginning from as far afield as Istanbul and Doha.
Isle of Man queenies were shortlisted in the finals with six other products from as far afield as Alaska and Spain.
Even as far afield as New Orleans, where the mother of a Bangladeshi friend carries a bio of Saujani in her purse.
Today there are tracks as far afield as Montreal and Los Angeles, and races have been held in Australia, Japan and Mexico.