Even so, the upcoming primary feels very far away for most people in Milford.
In the age of devolution, we are never far away from another commission, convention or committee.
Mike and Brian have looked at properties as far away as California and Hawaii.
As early as 1540, an Italian violin was spotted as far away as England.
Plus, your gestures need to be slightly bigger than usual to be seen from far away.
Your phone triangulates itself based on how far away you are from certain wi-fi hotspots.
FORBES: Motorola Dumping Google's Built-In Location Feature For Skyhook On Android Phones
"They view us as sufficiently small and far away to ignore us, " says Jacobson.
One is for middle distance, and the third is for things that are far away.
WSJ: At the Belmont Stakes, Horse Photographer Barbara Livingston Will Be Ready | Creating
His family lives so far away that he sees them only a few times a year.
Tips had come in from as far away as New Jersey, Missouri and Arkansas, WOOD reported.
But with Azerbaijan - it's so far away and we know so little about it.
She has two sisters but they too are old and live far away with their grandsons.
Far away from Wall Street, the U.S. economy still looks to be in decent shape.
We moved to another place not far away where we should be able to stay.
Unlocked iPhones are popping up in markets as far away as China and Indonesia.
The power has slipped too far away from the command-and-control CIO for that to happen.
FORBES: The BlackBerry PlayBook was Overrated. Now it's Underrated Again.
The universe is pretty transparent to optical light--that's how we can see far away galaxies.
Maybe head off to a far away place, alone, to relax from an emotionally draining year.
The tremors were felt as far away as Shanghai and Hangzhou on the mainland's east coast.
Zomm aims to help, by notifying people if they move too far away from their handsets.
FORBES: Three Surprising Uses For Zomm, The "Wireless Leash" For Cellphones
Not far away is a Protestant church that draws 3, 000 souls to its weekend services.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | China: Inside China's Search for Its Soul
It would frighten them, so far away from me, so vulnerable to my fate.
Far away and far to the south, Georgia is the other centre of Mr Edwards's hopes.
Even so, Pluto is so far away the probe won't get there for nearly a decade.
Not far away, the Archbishop of Canterbury conducted a service in the ruins of St.
Cocklers came from as far away as Scotland and Poland to take advantage of the relaxation.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Night clampdown on cockle pickers
Even riders from as far away as Australia and New Zealand show up to compete.
Long ago, in a world far, far away, brands made ads and put them on TV.
We come from as far away as the Ukraine and as close as New Jersey.