Force financial institutions to buy treasury bills that yield far less than the rate of inflation.
ECONOMIST: The pros and cons of opting out of the global economy
That is far less than the Bush administration's forecast of 3.2% growth in 2002.
The BJP far less than the Congress never quite managed, except in Gujarat, to adequately accommodate regional sentiment.
The export trade is worth far less than the damage done to tourism and the wider rural economy.
Relative to the size of the economy, this is still far less than the cost of the Irish bail-out.
Every dollar invested in these securities yields far less than the inflation rate.
New orders for U.S. durable goods slipped 0.8% in March, far less than the 1.5% drop Wall Street had expected.
And we know there is some toxicity with dispersants, but it is far less than the toxicity of the oil.
The figures are far less than the previous year and they set a pessimistic tone for the whole year, Zhong said.
FORBES: China Official Warns Of Tough Months Ahead For Exporters
The underlying principles are the same, and on the Internet the product itself means far less than the service around it.
ECONOMIST: In one form or another, electronic commerce is here to stay
In 2011, only 48% of the state's residents said they support the death penalty, far less than the national average of 61%.
These days, we cling tightly to our jobs, knowing our margin for error is far less than the one our parents enjoyed.
FORBES: Think You Believe in Your Company? Here's the Real Test
The amount would be far less than the system's current unfunded liabilities.
While that level is far less than the 90-percent figures in the 1970s, it is still one of the highest rates in Europe.
The debt relief company would (eventually) use those savings to make a lump sum settlement for far less than the total amount due.
An article in the New York Times illustrated that the mortality risk of trade unionists was far less than the average Colombian citizen.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The new battlefield in Latin America
There are now 17, more but far less than the 50% we should have for fair representation to our share of the population.
And because the Singaporean and Malaysian currencies have depreciated far less than the Indonesian rupiah, the rewards for working there are even more attractive.
Small coins, not big ones, were needed for these transactions, which would often be for far less than the denomination of a high-value coin.
ECONOMIST: The lessons of sound money from 1,000 years' experience
In fact the spread of junk over treasuries is now close to 4.9 percentage points, far less than the long-term average spread of 6 points.
Asus' PC shipments fell nearly 9 percent to 5.1 million units in the first quarter, admittedly a sharp decline, but far less than the industry's overall 12.7 percent fall.
Investors who picked up calls a few hours ago at the start of the rally paid far less than the current asking price on the options in most cases.
This is far less than the 3% yearly growth of the U.S. economy or even the 1.6% growth in per capita gross domestic product, a good measure of productivity.
You can achieve your work in far less than the 40 hours that is considered needed to complete every job in every position, in every office block in the world.
Among that group, charitable donations increased just 4% in 2011, far less than the 13% rise from 2009 to 2010, when most companies had a rebound in profits following the recession.
Some, like Chris Matthews, seemed determined to trivialize these accomplishments by suggesting that the damage the prevented attacks would have inflicted was far less than the murderous airplane-delivered blows of September 11.
But it is far less than the haircuts being imposed in the current environment, and the lender has a claim to the appreciation of the collateral--a claim that could be packaged, priced and sold.
John Mauldin, an investment consultant, calculated in a recent column that total portfolio returns over the next ten years were likely to be around 5%, far less than the 8-9% projected by most funds.
Our "road tax" (i.e. the tax disc) is actually significantly lower in cost than in mainland Europe, and in terms of other taxes, notably income tax, we pay far less than the other European countries.
Business Platinum Card, meanwhile, can see their low introductory interest rates spike if they are just three days late with payment twice in a 12-month period, far less than the 60-day notice period required under the Card Act.