Mr Dawson, its choice for October 2000, catalogued a life of continuous manual labour, starting at the age of four as a farm hand.
With critics of the EU clamouring to end farm hand-outs, the Commission says farmers should earn a third of their direct payments by farming in a way that benefits the environment.
Several websites can help plan a farmcation, where guests have the chance to be a farm hand for the day, feeding chickens, learning how to milk cows and picking crops out in the field.
Its competitors, on the other hand, farm out the installation and sometimes the maintenance of the solar electric systems they have sold.
Rising rates usually go hand in hand with falling farm revenues and higher capitalisation rates (the ratio of income produced by an asset to the asset's value).
Union president Ed Bailey said he appreciated the minister meeting members at a farm near Llanidloes to learn first hand the impact the snow was having on them.
BBC: Farmers plead for snow emergency aid to Welsh government
Few smallholders can afford to invest in farm machinery, so the land is still worked by hand.
Planters also used group incentives to encourage honesty, doling out a barrel of corn to each hand with the caveat that if anything was stolen from the farm and no one turned in the thief, double the value of that corn would be deducted from each of their Christmas awards.
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She lived on a farm without indoor plumbing and watched her grandmother, who largely raised her, hand-wash her clothes.
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In the Florida Panhandle town of Marianna, a farm settlement between Pensacola and Tallahassee, a 23-year-old black field hand named Claude Neal was accused of the rape and murder of a 20-year-old white woman.
On Johnson's 65-hectare farm in Virginia's hunt country, a neighbor once mistook him for a stable hand.
Most crops in the region are sown and harvested by hand, including the small plots that dot the gravity-challenging mountain sides, and farm machinery is a rare sight, with villagers using donkeys, oxen and bulls to plough the crops.
Cotswold Farm Park, run by Countryfile presenter Adam Henson, follows "best practice" with animal contact and hand washing procedures, a statement said.
BBC: Cotswold Farm Park bosses say it is safe amid sickness probe
Fruits and veggies, on the other hand, while also a consumer issue in this country, are more often lost at the farm level.
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