This is the key issue: which farm land should be protected and who gets to say so?
America is blessed with open space, wilderness areas, mountain vistas, diverse wildlife, austere desert and bountiful farm land.
In general, since 2011, more investors have piled into ranch and farm land.
It said Beijing needs to protect farmers' interests by ensuring they receive more income from the sale of farm land.
The Belward Farm land in Maryland is near other tracts of former farmland that attracted housing development thanks to its proximity to Washington.
An inquiry into whether a link road can be built through farm land has been delayed because three times more people turned up than expected.
BBC: Witney Cogges Link Road inquiry delayed by high turnout
Morley touted floating-rate bank instruments, multifamily real estate or farm land.
One such company, Sentry Farming in East Anglia, begun in 1972 to farm land owned by an insurance company, now manages about 40, 000 hectares (100, 000 acres) across Britain and also farms in Poland and the Czech Republic.
The quasi-governmental Rural Development Center suggests extending land-use contracts for 100 years and allowing people to pass the right to farm the land on to their children.
Crop production purchase agreement between the investor and farmers, who continue to own and farm their land.
Even after he lost in court, he still tried to farm the land that was no longer his, he said.
They are attracted to small and medium sized farms, and plan to live in the house, but not farm the land.
Mr Hostetler, who bought his farm from an in-law who had used pesticides, had to farm the land for three years without chemical inputs before he was passed.
Councillor John Williams, who has represented the Rassau ward for 37 years, said he had had to sell his farm and land as part of the dual carriageway scheme.
The country's State Forestry Administration estimates that desertification affects 400 million Chinese, many of whom lose the ability to farm their land or graze their animals and join the ranks of the tens of millions of internal environmental refugees, who often migrate to the big cities in search of new homes and jobs.
Watford council says using the Farm Terrace allotment land will "make the scheme viable".
There is sometimes hope that salarymen will leave the city to reclaim and farm their family land.
Or do we farm much less land much more intensively, leaving entirely untouched land available for that wildlife?
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The power plant at Rainbarrow Farm, on land owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, is a joint venture between local farmers and the Duchy.
Oscar-winning director James Cameron sold his 703 acres in Puerco Canyon to The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, and aside from having several buildings and old roads associated with a decades-old pig farm, the land is undeveloped.
BBC: Explore cinematic history in the Santa Monica Mountains
Many poor people who live in or near forests may actually welcome the opportunity to farm on deforested land and bureaucrats in distant capitals may think that unsustainable and low-revenue-yielding forest operations are politically preferable to what they perceive as expensive alternatives.
Ghanaian farmers have six children on average and farm tiny plots of land of around two hectares.
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These outlays are wasteful and mostly benefit better-off people who own vehicles, or farm large plots of land.
He's got his money and land and farm equipment, but is worried about the financial future of his children and grandchildren.
Private companies and co-operatives will be allowed to own land, farm machinery, boats and production equipment, but not buildings.
The monarchs feed on milkweed plants, which thrive in "edge habitats" -- the areas where forested land and farm fields meet.
The vast majority of the world's poorest people farm small plots of land to grow their food and earn an income.
Locals have to go into the bush to farm small plots of land, a dangerous necessity, explains camp leader Tomo Kello(ph).