The damage to these and Belize's burgeoning shrimp farming industry has not yet been tabulated.
The issue now is the knock-on for food prices and the future of Britain's farming industry.
With a small farming industry and a lot of imports, Britain was bound to lose out.
Landcatch Natural Selection said the research could create the "perfect salmon" and revolutionise the fish farming industry.
However the entry of cheap foreign rice into the Haitian rice market has destroyed the local farming industry.
Animal rights campaigners have long attacked the bile farming industry as barbaric, and it is banned in Vietnam.
Thanks to revenues from fishing licences, Falklanders are no longer poor folk dependent on a dying sheep-farming industry.
"All the problems in the farming industry means he has had little works on the farms recently, " he said.
Brid Rodgers criticises the "the irresponsible actions of the few" who had put the local farming industry at risk.
In the longer term, the government has pledged to consider future requests for aid to help the farming industry recover.
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In the immigrant heavy farming industry, crop production employment dropped by 15.6 percent in the first 4 years after LAWA was passed.
It said the salmon farming industry created 272 new jobs during 2011.
The appeal followed one of the worst tragedies ever to hit the island's farming industry when 9, 000 animals were killed- 10% of all Manx livestock.
Scotland's fish farming industry could face stricter regulation through new legislation.
Plaid Cymru said that a strong farming industry required the continuation of European subsidy payments to family farms in Wales as well as the wider rural economy.
The crop damage is dealing a further blow to Britain's farming industry, which is already reeling from a spate of recent livestock deaths due to the cold weather.
But what really separates Qian Hu from the many mom-and-pop businesses of the tropical-fish-farming industry is the attention paid to safely shipping such a fragile creature to customers overseas.
The vet's prognosis -- foot and mouth disease -- marked the beginning of a six-month nightmare that saw Oswestry reduced to a ghost town and the entire British farming industry pitched into crisis.
But the report authors say the survey sample represents about 2.8% of the farming industry in Wales, a higher ratio than those that may be questioned in a political opinion poll, for example.
The Hywind, a 2.3 megawatt (MW) wind turbine built by Siemens, combines technologies from both the wind farming industry and the oil and gas sectors, and will be tested off the coast of Norway for two years.
"While I don't want to see the wholesale slaughter of wildlife, I recognise that we cannot afford to sit back and ignore the very real threat posed by bovine TB to animal health and the farming industry, " he said.
Farming unions and the HSE have targeted farmers previously, but Mr Bailey said NFU Cymru's latest campaign included organisations from across the Welsh farming industry, including the Farmers' Union of Wales, Wales Young Farmers' Club, the Welsh Government and the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution.
With a size of four by seven inches, this has real world application in areas such as farming, industry and security.
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Potatoes became popular in the north of England, as people there specialised in livestock farming and domestic industry, while farmers in the south (where the soil was more suitable) concentrated on wheat production.
In practice, they provide cheap labour (mainly from Asia) for the garment industry, farming and fish-processing.
Greenhouse gases are not the only climatically active ingredients that industry, farming and land clearance add to the atmosphere.
Commercial farming is a major industry in South Africa -- it distributes produce all over the world while Johannesburg's fruit market sells about a million tons of goods every year.
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