Fascism was not, or not simply, a capture of the state by thugs or gamblers.
Not the least of his achievement is to make the over-written (and over-illustrated) subject of fascism fresh.
Immigrants took up arms to preserve our union, to defeat fascism, and to win a Cold War.
The two of them shared the optimism of a nation that had triumphed over a depression and fascism.
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And together, they shared the optimism of a nation that triumphed over the Great Depression and over fascism.
Humphrey Bogart's Rick Blaine is the embodiment of an America that has finally grasped the threat of fascism.
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Just as they had once accepted the abuses of fascism, they were lax in dealing with the Mafia.
The author also hopes his book will rebut accusations that Lawrence flirted with fascism and harboured anti-Semitic views.
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He cites the millions of Italians who voted Fascist in 1924, having voted against Fascism only three years earlier.
In April, nine people were arrested during EDL and Unite Against Fascism rallies.
The victory over fascism in Europe gave the Soviet Union, an ally of America and Britain, renewed moral weight.
Yes, fascism and Nazism came from two of the most advanced and most cultured Western societies, Italy and Germany.
Then they had to struggle some more to make sure that fascism was defeated and a depression was overcome.
He survived imprisonment by Franco in the 1960s, to see fascism fall in Spain and self-government return to Catalonia.
Alan Turing made profound breakthroughs in our understanding of artificial intelligence and an enormous contribution to the defeat of fascism.
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Another academic, Alberto Testa, agreed that differences existed in the definition of fascism, particularly in the United Kingdom and Italy.
He calls for Europe to adopt something akin to the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment - hardly the stuff of fascism.
"People here are always thinking critically about fascism, so people want to drive the technology, not be driven by it, " he said.
Well, Chamberlain was the biggest appeaser to a totalitarian ideology called fascism.
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At the end after telling us often what fascism isn't, Mr Paxton keeps his promise to tell us what he thinks it is.
The number of people marching with United Against Fascism (UAF) and the TUC swelled from about 300 to 1, 000 during the day, police said.
So the idea of setting out an alternative is tainted in the eyes of many Germans or French with an ugly whiff of neo-fascism.
They defeated fascism and laid the foundation for decades of prosperity, so let us renew the sources of American strength and innovation at home.
Nobody would seriously accuse Austria of being a stronghold of fascism and intolerance, even though some parts of the media give this rather biased impression.
We do not want racism and fascism getting a toehold in Britain, that's why, at the earliest opportunity, we want to see those councillors out.
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Parts of the movie are jaunty and funny (the director gets the opera-buffa side of Italian Fascism), though Bellocchio treats Dalser with the gravest courtesy.
Anti-fascist group Unite Against Fascism held a counter-protest against the EDL, which said it was against Islamic extremism in the UK, at the same event.
In his mid-30s when the Nazis came to power, he saw fascism as an inevitable product of repressive social structures, such as the patriarchal family.
Not until 1947, two years after the second world war and the defeat of fascism, did the country elect a president on a free vote.
In fact, the fasces (after which fascism was named) had been a Roman symbol: sticks bound together, one of them usually an axe, impossible to break.