Hitler and Mussolini governed atop turbulent fascist parties in uneasy collaboration with existing elites.
Mr Lieberman, the dark horse, is branded by the left as racist, even fascist.
Similar sentiments had been expressed by Hitler and the architects of fascist Italy and Vichy France.
So does the far right, including the neo-fascist Golden Dawn, which has sympathisers among the police.
From 1937 to 1943, Brasillach edited Je Suis Partout, a fascist newspaper with a circulation of 250, 000.
Mr Markelov had been a vital link between anti-fascist activists, such as Ms Baburova, and the police.
" Richard III " (MGM ): Ian McKellen's version, set in a fictional fascist England of the 1930s.
Refusing to serve the Fascist government, he ekes out a living as a bounty hunter tracking down pirates.
He cites the millions of Italians who voted Fascist in 1924, having voted against Fascism only three years earlier.
He had been accused of co-operating with the Nazis and displaying fascist tendencies.
History, however, shows that Reza Shah was neither a fascist nor an anti-Semite.
Fascist-style buildings built during the Italian occupation (1935-41) have often proved more suitable.
For one of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to avoid a too- rational and too- comfortable world.
One contender for the foreign minister's job is Gianfranco Fini, the leader of a once-fascist party and now deputy prime minister.
These are strongly opposed by another coalition partner, the formerly neo-fascist National Alliance, whose support is mainly in the poorer south.
After Pearl Harbor FDR successfully headed a government that rapidly mobilized the U.S. economy to fight Nazi Germany, imperialist Japan and Fascist Italy.
As a result of a coup by pro-fascist elements of the military, Romania entered World War II on the Nazi side in 1941.
Mr Zeman replied by calling Mr Haider and his party "post-fascist" and accusing it openly of seeking to veto Prague's EU membership application.
UEFA, European soccer's governing body, imposed the two-match sanction as a result of repeated offensive behavior from the Lazio fans, including fascist salutes.
France has had five republics since 1789, along with several monarchies, one directory, a consulate, a couple of empires and a collaborationist-fascist dictatorship.
This week Francesco Cossiga, a former Christian Democratic president who has just founded his own party, attacked Mr Fini for his fascist past.
Nor does he express a view as to whether Clark, who wrote about the Waffen SS in almost homoerotic terms, was a fascist.
Anti-fascist group Unite Against Fascism held a counter-protest against the EDL, which said it was against Islamic extremism in the UK, at the same event.
In Italy, Gianfranco Fini, who has distanced his party, the post-fascist National Alliance, from its fascist heritage, joined the government of Silvio Berlusconi in 1994.
The family lived through a tumultuous period of Brazil's history, during which Jews sometimes had reason to feel menaced by bigoted despots and fascist rabble.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the fascist Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), frequently endorses the restoration of the historical Russia within the boundaries of the Russian empire.
There was much angst in the 1930s, for instance, about the speed with which fascist Italy and Germany were building them, leaving muddled, democratic Britain in the dust.
Similar sentiments saw Greece's fascist-sympathizing Golden Dawn party garnering roughly 7% of the polling this weekend at the expense of mainstream conservative and leftist parties.
The ghost of Benito Mussolini, Italy's 20th Century Fascist dictator and Duce, dead and gone now for almost 70 years, is still stalking the country's politics.
Cllr Hanna, who chairs the East Belfast Policing and Community Safety Partnership, said she would not be intimidated by "fascist elements with no respect for democracy".