Could it also be that fashion photography offers buyers a shortcut to cool?
"I like the limitations of menswear, " Mr. Moore said, sitting in his cozy corner office packed with fashion photography books.
Arbus started out in fashion photography in partnership with her husband, Allan Arbus, but by the mid-1950s she had rejected its artifice.
An appellate court didn't think so, and in July it threw out the award, ruling that the spread was a protected combination of fashion photography, humor and editorial comment.
"I think we can say that collecting fashion photography is an established market, because it has been happening for over 20 years now, " says Alexander Montague-Sparey, head of photography sales for Christie's.
These two giants of fashion photography worked during fashion's heyday the 1950s to the early noughties and their work includes iconic portraits of the models of the day, whether Penn's artistic compositions with his wife (one of the first recognized models) or Avedon's shots of supermodels for Versace campaigns during the 1990s.
And read up on all the latest designers at OFr, a bookshop and gallery with a vast selection of magazines and books on design, fashion and photography -- a guaranteed well of inspiration to fill your suitcase for the journey home.
Many young women will go into fields such as fashion merchandizing, photography, or become a makeup artist or stylist.
Aside from fashion and other commercial photography, Horst produced a wealth of gorgeous still lifes and close-ups of flowers.
Late Afternoon: Liz Cherkasova's lush photography combines luxe fashion, beauty and decor into pretty bundles of products for fashionistas who appreciate the finer things in life.
While Tumblr may alternately be used a blog for simply writing purposes, the majority of Tumblr accounts are highly photo based which makes the outlet the perfect option for companies and entrepreneurs that specialize in photography, graphic design, or fashion to work with.
By the time the heel came back into fashion, in the mid-19th Century, photography was transforming the way that fashions - and the female self-image - were constructed.