The American Civil Liberties Union has also opposed Cispa, saying the bill was "fatally flawed".
But that does not mean that college rankings are, therefore, fatally flawed and unfit for use.
Almost a quarter - 23% of those who responded - feel it is fatally flawed.
The system proved fatally flawed when the unthinkable happened early this decade and land prices started sliding.
Sir David Henshaw, Chair, UHMBT said he was "extremely disappointed" with the decision which he called "fatally flawed".
The intractable difficulties in working out the trade effect from previous currency unions means that previous estimates are fatally flawed.
ECONOMIST: The supposed benefits of monetary union are cut down to size
That was fatally flawed when competing with Facebook which was managed in White Space, lettting the marketplace decide where the business should go.
But the risk assessments of the game in question were "fatally flawed" because no-one assessed the risks of diving head-first into the pool.
The study, he says, "was fatally flawed from the beginning" because it compared Arcoxia to diclofenac, which may itself pose a risk to the heart.
An employee ratted on Odebrecht Contractors for underbidding on a federal contract, arguing it intended to raise prices later (his suit was dismissed as "fatally flawed").
It made me wonder if there is something fatally flawed about the company, or otherwise there could be an unloved stock that presents investors an opportunity.
In no country was there majority support for the suggestion that capitalism is fatally flawed, though that idea got over 40% support in Spain and France.
Interestingly, even Bill Clinton felt compelled to act in what would now be called a "unilateral" fashion by refusing to sign onto a fatally flawed ban on anti-personnel landmines.
In essence, the campaign of Vice President George Bush managed to paint Gov. Michael Dukakis as a figure out of touch with mainstream America, whose record as governor was fatally flawed.
Dancing with the Stars is a fatally flawed show!
FORBES: Four Reasons Why Dancing with the Stars is Losing Viewers
Once again, Congress failed to stop the annual charade of scheduled Medicare physician payment cuts and short-term patches, which spends more taxpayer money to perpetuate a policy everyone agrees is fatally flawed.
FORBES: What Does Super-Committee Failure Mean For Healthcare?
Is the method fatally flawed and intrinsically anti-regulatory?
"Republicans wanted an ideas guy like Newt Gingrich to be president so badly that at times we even turned to Newt Gingrich, a fatally flawed candidate, " said Alex Castellanos, a CNN contributor who advised Romney's campaign in 2008.
Instead, the Senate should recognize that, if we want to promote a new global norm against chemical warfare, it would be no less effective but far more responsible, safer, and certainly cheaper to do so via hortatory United Nations Security Council resolutions rather than by means of fatally flawed arms control agreements.
For these reasons, even Senators with an unbroken record of support for arms control agreements like Senators Richard Lugar of Indiana, Olympia Snow of Maine and Ted Stevens of Alaska have declared this CTBT to be fatally flawed and announced their intention to reject the Treaty if the vote is held at this juncture.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Vote �� and Defeat �� the C.T.B.T. Today