All these pose challenges to the fatuous techno-optimism that is currently, maybe only briefly, in vogue.
The argument that plot situations must have mirrored the real-life experiences of some other person of that period is fatuous.
That always fatuous illusion is about to get a grim, public testing.
"This is a fatuous show with nothing fresh to say about popular culture and our fixation with fame, " his one-star write-up continued.
And yes, the Gore side has made fatuous arguments of its own.
The argument that in play after play the plot situations had to mirror the real-life experiences of some other person of the period is fatuous.
Mr James does not predict a new depression (there are no fatuous forecasts here), but he denies that you need a global war to get one.
It is all very well redirecting the Bank of England from one target to another, but that's pretty fatuous if the Bank of England doesn't have any bows or arrows.
Diaries, when they are not fatuous, are celebrations of the mundane, and here we have the shillings and pence of everyday purchases, the love lives of pets, the colors of umbrellas.
On its face it was fatuous given that Galant's behavior constituted an administrative offense for which one pays a fine, rather than a criminal offense for which one goes to jail.
Coogan, who is a gifted physical comic, does an outstanding job playing a fatuous, slightly naughtier version of himself, and Winterbottom focusses on other characters only as part of his orbit, including a Fassbinder-loving P.
To catalog the kaleidoscopic excellences of Mr. Brown's cast would leave no room to say more, though brief mention must be made of Jonathan Weir's letter-perfect Fredrik Egerman and Brandon Dahlquist's gloriously fatuous Count Carl-Magnus.
But even as the Security Council has condemned the piracy with Resolution 1838, close to 1, 100 words of the usual mush, slush and gush, an informal international consensus for action outside the fatuous auspices of the UN may finally be emerging.
At that point she becomes an obsessive organizer of the search, and a compulsive scourge of anyone who threatens to stand in her way. (One fatuous Pakistani functionary insists that the abduction is an Indian plot.) Given Angelina Jolie's celebrity, the obvious danger in such a take-no-prisoners style of acting was imposing herself on the real-life story, but that hasn't happened.