The Mainichi poll said that 42% of respondents were in favor of a change to Article 96, while 46% were opposed.
As everyone knows, some states have begun to experiment with legalizing same-sex marriage, and public opinion seems to be shifting in favor of the change.
WSJ: Nelson Lund: A Social Experiment Without Science Behind It
But Americans as a whole are divided, with the Gallup survey showing 53 percent in favor of the change the Constitution and 44 percent opposed.
Maybe you'd be wiser to wait for another CEO or to bide your time until conditions otherwise change in your favor.
It's time to put aside the intense partisanship of the past in favor of a coalition for change which encompasses both parties.
Their recommendation that we change policy to favor new small firms rather than existing firms is well intended, but they make no specific recommendations and miss the basic point that the current problem is low employment at existing firms.
FORBES: Entrepreneurs Can Solve The Unemployment Problem -- If Government Gets Out Of The Way
In states and districts that slightly favor one party and have been traditionally represented by moderates from the opposite party, the very lawmakers viewed as "problem solvers" are tossed out in favor of those who promise change, Ornstein said.
Any attempt to fiddle the system, dictate prices, favor one industry over another or change preferences in any way creates a distortion which reduces the net satisfaction, aka what people want.
Small scale producers and consumers are often at a disadvantage with information and sometimes social entrepreneurs can find sustainable ways to change the flow of information in favor of the public good.
The panic is occurring amidst a galloping rate of change in global business that seems to favor rising nations more than mature nations.
Back in France the publicity-shy baroness is content with nothing louder than a label change on the 2000 bottling, in favor of a gilt sheep (or mouton).
This federal customer change will, in turn, will favor the use of Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPAs) such as those provided by the General Services Administration (GSA) for cloud computing.
Even though our exports in this region have risen by more than 60 percent over the last five years, our overall share of trade in the region has declined in favor of our competitors, and we want to change that.
By partnering up, Lunera Lighting and Lutron Electronics hope they can help change that equation and tip the balance in favor of LEDs.
They want change, and poll after poll shows that voters favor Democrats in November.
That was a dramatic change from a 1992 poll which had shown only 32% in favor and 47% opposed.
Momentum may be building in the favor of student-athletes in this matter, only furthering my confidence that change is inevitable.
FORBES: Student-Athletes Destined to Receive Royalties for Licensing, Merchandise Revenue
Groups in favor of cutting greenhouse-gas emissions to reduce the threat posed by climate change say far deeper reductions than that 17% are needed.
WSJ: Rise in U.S. Gas Production Fuels Unexpected Plunge in Emissions
The analysis and presentation of the data arguing in favor of this increase is at best flawed, at worst manipulated to support the rationale for the change.
FORBES: How The Payroll Tax Cut Is Costing Low Income Borrowers
These factors in favor of the status quo suggest to its skeptics that nothing short of Olympic disaster will bring about a change.
Academics in the US are, in many cases, opposed to IFRS. Corporate executives are in favor, or not, of IFRS adoption by US companies depending on how they see the impact of the change on their reported results.