In Montenegro, Magyar was charged with paying officials to help secure more favourable contracts.
Bear in mind, reaction to changes at Blackfriars Bridge and the controversial Bow roundabout has not been favourable.
Written verdicts in favourable rulings averaged 90 words, compared with just 47 for unfavourable ones.
One country where Apple has a favourable tax regime is the Republic of Ireland.
All "favourable" Utopias seem to be alike in postulating perfection while being unable to suggest happiness.
Brady v Maryland held that the government had to provide the defence all favourable evidence.
First impressions of the new Pope from the faithful on St Peter's Square have been favourable.
"All governments should have a favourable attitude to the euro, " Mr Pique had told reporters.
An election was now the inevitable result - in circumstances far from favourable for Labour.
England Under-21 coach Stuart Pearce has reportedly provided Capello with favourable reports about both players.
The author maintained that it was because it showed Mrs Thatcher in a favourable light.
Yet, if the political scene looks favourable, the economic one has suddenly become alarmingly bleak.
Combine a favourable critical notice with scarcity, and you have the recipe for high prices.
Some editions also contained favourable reviews of the book, often written by Whitman himself.
With a stiff breeze and sunny intervals, conditions were not so favourable for the bowlers.
He could discount pinpricks of media criticism: favourable coverage on national television easily outweighed it.
Giving favourable tax treatment to charitable donations is on the political agenda in many countries.
Firms granting share options to employees stand accused of picking dates with particularly favourable prices.
They suspect a ruse by Mr Milosevic to present himself in a comparatively favourable light.
Amazon and Google also confirmed they used favourable European tax jurisdictions for their UK businesses.
BBC: Starbucks, Google and Amazon grilled over tax avoidance
Second, assuming favourable macro-economic conditions, McKinsey reckons that annual productivity growth of 6% can be sustained.
Media coverage of America has become more favourable as it focuses on the 2008 election.
In return for food, medicines and clothes, Jordan receives Iraqi oil at very favourable prices.
But finance directors can hardly be blamed for taking advantage of such a favourable climate.
The group added that trading in January and February had been strong, benefiting from favourable sports results.
Grant also claimed the referee might have been more favourable to Stoke after missing Piquionne's apparent handball.
ISAs is more favourable than for long-term savings, then the success of stakeholder pensions could be jeopardised.
But he adds that "no Jamaican government in recent memory has enjoyed such favourable domestic political conditions".
The margins are still favourable, but what if you can't afford to invest in the first place?
The blackmailers are alleged to have been property developers seeking favourable construction contracts from influential city officials.