An election was now the inevitable result - in circumstances far from favourable for Labour.
With a stiff breeze and sunny intervals, conditions were not so favourable for the bowlers.
Conditions at the site are unusually favourable for the preservation of plant materials.
"The outlook for activity remains favourable for the coming months, " a Bank of France spokesperson said, adding that the automotive industry remained a problem area.
McClaren will have been perturbed to see the synthetic surface being heavily watered before kick-off, a move clearly designed to make conditions more favourable for Hiddink's side.
He told MPs that the government would need to approve "as soon as possible" fiscal reforms in order to have "a tax regime that is more favourable for families, workers and businesses".
Amongst the various aims of the project is the creation of favourable conditions and environments for the participation of renowned bearers of intangible heritage in systematic efforts for the transmission of their knowledge and skills, the promotion and empowerment of women embroidery lace makers and the creation of favourable conditions for the renewal of contemporary forms of cultural expression.
ISAs is more favourable than for long-term savings, then the success of stakeholder pensions could be jeopardised.
PSAs: it is much easier just to secure favourable participation for state firms.
All this has coincided with an exceptionally favourable period for corporate-debt markets.
Regions of serious water deficit such as the Middle East became so in about 1970, at a favourable moment for them in economic history.
He said it might be the case that the virus was found in these particular cancer cells simply because they provided favourable conditions for it.
Most Basque political parties, still wrangling over forming a regional government after last month's elections, talk also of the existence of favourable conditions for peace.
But he denied any suggestion that the first minister's support had been connected to more favourable coverage for Mr Salmond and the SNP in newspapers such as the Scottish Sun.
America's superior performance owes a lot to structural reforms in the late 1970s and 1980s that created a more favourable climate for business, allowing firms to reap the benefits of new technology.
The trade minister, Vu Khoan, said the deal created favourable conditions for Vietnam's admission to the World Trade Organisation and put the seal on the normalisation of relations with Washington begun five years ago with the restoration of diplomatic ties.
It is hoped that through constructive dialogue, States Parties will be able to create a favourable environment for the development of creative industries throughout the world, which, as we know, are not only the principal contemporary vehicles of cultural expressions but also generate income and employment while contributing to social cohesion.
The firm credited "particularly favourable" weather for the rise.
The upshot is a competition for commercial development that pulls new buildings towards richer suburbs and out of city centres, which have ill-trained workforces and heavy welfare burdens and cannot afford favourable tax treatment for developers.
He points out that whilst ministerial promises of thousands of extra beds can be relied on for favourable headlines, there is a danger that expanding hospitals' capacity to cope with unusual peaks in demand could render them inefficient.
Since the reform of Italy's penal code in 1989, trials have been transferred very rarely to new jurisdictions, because the circumstances in which that can happen are narrowly defined, partly to prevent defendants from shopping around for favourable judges.
Amazon and Google also confirmed they used favourable European tax jurisdictions for their UK businesses.
BBC: Starbucks, Google and Amazon grilled over tax avoidance
The result could easily have gone the other way: most Republican pollsters concede that the party would have lost the House but for a favourable wind in the last fortnight of the campaign.
The Culture for Development Indicator Suite (CDIS) provides a timely response to these challenges, building on the current favourable political context, greater capacity for data collection, and the critical mass of field experiences from large-scale projects.
For that it largely blames the government and is duly arguing for a more favourable regulatory regime.
My first impression of the book wasn't favourable - I recall pining for sea monsters and pirates rather than reminiscences of a childhood holiday.
Germany said it could put "all interstate peace settlements in jeopardy by allowing domestic courts to re-examine and reopen them", allowing plaintiffs to "shop around for the most favourable courts".
Dark rumours are circulating that the Malaysians and Ethiopians will try to block any agreement favourable to America in retaliation for that country's criticism of their policies on such things as the clear-cutting of forests.
AD, the Abbasid caliph al-Mansur consulted a Persian astrologer called Nawbakht to find a conjunction of the planets favourable to laying the foundation stone for a new capital.