Mr Brown's speech was taken as a sign that he favoured more taxation powers for Holyrood.
Importantly, all four political parties in the assembly favoured a move to five-year terms.
Council leader Drew Hendry said he was pleased the vote favoured progressing the chosen route.
But with Iran you never quite know what to expect: it has not always favoured defiance.
President Obama had favoured wider action that would ease the budget cuts for federal agencies.
In his academic career, he favoured the idea of central banks setting strict inflation targets.
In Caracas, the main avenues were filled with red-shirted crowds, the favoured colour of Chavez supporters.
So what natural selection has favoured as healthy may end up killing you faster.
In Mr Kuntoro's favoured draft of the decree, the moratorium would cover all the green splodges.
To begin with, some analysts allege that the big business houses get favoured access to capital.
What it's turned into over time is people being favoured because of their particular characteristics.
However, the Information Tribunal overruled the department, saying "the balance of public interest favoured disclosure".
"Our next three games are against the two favoured teams in the section, " he said.
Lined up on the beach below the fishing boats favoured by the people smugglers.
Ms Burgess told MSPs she favoured working with groups like council umbrella body Cosla.
Will a Severn Barrage join the list of infrastructure megaprojects favoured by the government?
In a Bloomberg poll, 60% of self-identified tea-party supporters favoured overhauling or abolishing the Fed.
One analyst outside the group passed on important, unpublished information about companies to favoured institutional clients.
Loans that might not fit into a category favoured by regulators are being trimmed or withdrawn.
Most of the respondents favoured three deliveries a week if they have to be cut.
BBC: Plans outlined for Jersey Post to have more competition
With no competition, favoured firms get away with delivering bad roads and overpriced hospitals.
Internet accounts are available only to foreigners, or to favoured Cubans for research purposes.
ECONOMIST: The inalienable right to a toaster��but not quite yet
Where older generations favoured traditionalism, younger generations consistently push back the frontiers of social norms.
Mr Balwa floated Swan Telecom, a firm allegedly favoured during the allocation of mobile phone licences.
The favoured tools for exploring seemingly odd behaviours are called public-goods experiments and ultimatum games.
The counter-clockwise direction of American tracks favoured Mr Antley's natural preference for his left hand.
Others think it unfair that only residents in Taipei county are to be favoured.
The subject matter of the final debate, many pundits predicted, should have favoured Mr Kerry.
Roche's managers argue that mid-sized takeovers are gentler than the mega-mergers favoured by its peers.
Meanwhile, black was voted the sexiest colour for a car, but men also favoured red.