• Mr Hazare's team say they carried out their own own 'referendum' in one constituency in Delhi, and claimed that 85% of respondents favoured their version of the bill over the government's one.

    BBC: India's activists on warpath against the government

  • However, the survey also found that almost one in five, 18%, favoured a full withdrawal from Europe.

    BBC: Brussels

  • The NRC's last new reactor approval predates Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima, all of which dented public support (and not just in America either: nuclear power supplies three-fourths of France's electricity, yet in one poll 57% of French respondents favoured abandoning it).

    ECONOMIST: America��s nuclear industry struggles to get off the floor

  • One is that the embryonic birds in the favoured eggs really do have better genetic health than their less-favoured half-siblings.

    ECONOMIST: Animal behaviour

  • To help it avoid charges of suppressing the emergence of methods that may prove better than its favoured ones, the government should look to one particular principle, outlined in its education white paper of autumn 1997: that intervention in schools should be in inverse proportion to their success.

    ECONOMIST: Journey up the learning curve

  • Giving a cut to one of the favoured circle came to be seen as de rigueur in order to gain a licence or agency quickly.

    ECONOMIST: Tunisia

  • It is rather like one of the buffet dinners so favoured by global gatherings, where you have to balance a wine glass and a plate in one hand, feed yourself with the other, try and have a sensible conversation and exchange cards with three people at the same time.

    ECONOMIST: Economic globalisation

  • On pitches that clearly favoured the home side, India were routed 2-0 in the Tests and 5-2 in the one-dayers.

    BBC: SPORT | Cricket | India postpone New Zealand tour

  • If no one gets a majority on the first go, the second choices of those who favoured the person in last place are doled out until somebody does.

    ECONOMIST: Britain is in store for another perilously close election

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