The meaning of the Guy Fawkes mask is not well known outside protest groups.
Once a year, on Guy Fawkes Day, it tossed the "worthless" canvases into a bonfire.
Conservative Alexis McEvoy criticised her own party's national leadership after losing her South Waterside seat to Mr Fawkes.
Paul Staines, who runs the website under the name Guido Fawkes, claims to have obtained the papers legally.
In 1606, Guy Fawkes, chief plotter in the attempt to blow up the British Houses of Parliament, was executed.
In some parts of Great Britain, the holiday celebration includes activities commemorating the capture of a notorious traitor, Guy Fawkes.
However, the e-mails came to the attention of Paul Staines, author of the "anti-politics" Guido Fawkes blog, who revealed their existence.
Guy Fawkes Day, November 5, is an English holiday commemorating the capture of the country's most notorious traitor, Guy Fawkes, in 1605.
And Harry Cole, who writes for the Guido Fawkes political blog, said the regulatory changes had been implemented in a "chaotic fashion".
In response on his blog Guido Fawkes blamed spin, "focus-group derived policies" and partisan positioning for the cynicism described by Ms Blears.
Indeed, almost the only vestige of the old prejudice is the tradition of burning an effigy of Guy Fawkes on November 5th.
The annual displays commemorate both Guy Fawkes and the deaths of 17 Protestant martyrs, known as "The Sussex Martyrs, " between 1555 and 1557.
Numerous protesters - here and elsewhere - are choosing to identify themselves with the online protest group "Anonymous" by wearing the Guy Fawkes mask.
Tomorrow, November 5, is Guy Fawkes Day, the day that the English remember one of their most notorious villains or most celebrated heroes, depending on their politics.
Several demonstrators donned Guy Fawkes masks, considered symbolic of Anonymous.
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Mr Carswell also told MPs the debate was the first in Commons history to have been "crowd sourced" after the subject of it was selected by readers of the Guido Fawkes blog.
And yet Mr Blair, with his parliamentary majority of 176, is setting off a bigger bang under the British constitution than Guy Fawkes ever contrived with all his sacks of gunpowder.
The BBC's Helen Fawkes, at the scene, saw two injured Russians, brought to the checkpoint by ambulance, carried on stretchers by Russian soldiers before being put onto waiting helicopters and taken away.
But Moffett and NZRFU opposite number Chris Moller sat down for a long negotiation over the match date, before eventually settling on Guy Fawkes Night - a good omen for an explosive match.
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Fawkes is burned in effigy in towns throughout England year after year, and his capture is celebrated with massive fireworks displays rivaling those in the United States for Independence Day (the Fourth of July).
The Guido Fawkes blog (very much more than just a blog) is pointing out that since its servers are in the US it does not publish in the UK and is therefore not covered.
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Not exactly the enemy of Guy Fawkes.
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"The town of Steubenville has been good at keeping this quiet and their star football team protected, " an Anonymous member wearing the group's trademark Guy Fawkes mask says in a video posted to the group's LocalLeaks website.
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Fawkes was then sentenced and executed.
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"They are showing altered pictures of their own face using masks like that from 'V for Vendetta', " said Mok, referring to the 2005 film updating the story of Guy Fawkes, who tried to destroy Parliament building in England in the 17th Century.
"The Guy Fawkes mask has now become a common brand and a convenient placard to use in protest against tyranny - and I'm happy with people using it, it seems quite unique, an icon of popular culture being used this way, " he says.
Trog, aka Wally Fawkes, has her as a jolly knockabout figure with tombstone teeth pulling pints in the bar of the TV soap "EastEnders, " but the angry brigade, Martin Rowson and Steve Bell of the Guardian and Dave Brown of the Independent, emphasize the grotesque.
"V for Vendetta" wasn't meant to be a disaster movie, of course, and there's no reason to think it will be a disaster, even though its original opening date of November 5th -- Guy Fawkes Day -- had to be pushed forward after real-life terrorists attacked London last July.