Later the same year, the FDA approved Teva's single-pill Plan B formulation and allowed it to be sold without a prescription to women age 17 and older.
If the FDA can point to a single contaminated piece of farmland and explain what went wrong, it will go a long way toward ensuring that the spinach is safe in the future.
"The abuse ratio for oxycodone combination products was 24 emergency department visits per million tablets dispensed, compared with 85 visits for oxycodone single-entity ER products, " the FDA reviewers said in the documents.
Aside from restrictions placed on it by the FDA (for instance, it will be sold only through a single mail order pharmacy), the drug causes the buildup of fat in the liver, a warning sign that it may also cause liver damage.
The FDA based its approval of the NovoTTF 100A System on results from a single international clinical study in 237 patients with recurrent GBM or with GBM that hadn't responded to traditional therapy.