However, among voters ages 18-29, FDR scores higher for greatness than does Reagan, 62% to 55%.
The government of FDR and in all succeeding Democratic administrations has been more active than passive.
This is why FDR, when he started Social Security, it only affected widows and orphans.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on Tax Cuts and Unemployment Extension | The White House
Oh, wait, that plan didn't work too well for FDR in the 1930s.
BBC: What if Supreme Court strikes down Obama healthcare act?
FDR's was 52% before his second midterms in 1938 when Democrats lost 71 seats.
The other year was 1940, another FDR win, this time with war under way in Europe.
The Obama Democrats are no longer the party of FDR, Truman, JFK or Clinton.
But like Gerald Ford, he got there the weird way in office when FDR died.
Reagan did, and that's why he, not FDR, was the best President of the 20th century.
So FDR I think said -- he was asked once what he thought about unions.
Few animosities between U.S. presidents ran as deep as the one between Hoover and FDR.
Others that stand out include Duke Ellington, Bobby Jones, Barbara McClintock, FDR, George Marshall and P.
During the 1930s, for instance, there were deep misgivings about many of FDR's antigrowth initiatives.
At the time, many businessmen challenged the programs of FDR, as they felt overtaxed and overregulated.
FORBES: The Week Ahead: Austerity Didn't Work in '37...What About Now?
Gold owners during the depression found this out when the FDR confiscated personal holdings.
FDR's secretary of labour, whose picture he rescues from obscurity and hangs behind his desk.
Many Democrats, not just the conservatives, felt differently about FDR by the late 1930s.
Unfortunately for FDR, four of the five men against whom he campaigned were re-elected.
The disorders in our modern monetary system are dramatically different from those faced by FDR.
FORBES: Barack Obama and The Long, Hard Road "Forward" 1977?
Prejudice against the rich is clearly exhibited by Obama, as it was by his hero, FDR.
Thus it was always odd that Silicon Valley voted for the most statist-inclined presidential candidate since FDR.
Nobody used radio as well as Joseph Goebbels, not even such masters as Winston Churchill and FDR.
To be sure, like FDR, he introduced many institutional changes that strengthened the muscle of the presidency.
If one of those fails, the FDR Drive or the West Side Highway could end up underwater.
FDR, like Obama, has been lionized by those same historians and others who prefer pro-government, activist Presidents.
FORBES: Barack Obama Is No Ronald Reagan - He Is The Worst Of FDR
We've had three undeniably great presidents: Washington, Lincoln and FDR, one in each century of the nation's history.
This brings us to the thing that every second-term president since FDR has indeed faced: a ticking clock.
Many of FDR's economic policies, such as the National Recovery Act, depended on voluntary cooperation from big business.
And by 1939, FDR gave in to deficit hawks afraid of government spending and had to cut back.
Despite seven Democratic presidencies since FDR, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Harvard still grieves, "The system is rigged!"