By contrast, the health care litigation appears to pose a timeless issue of federalism.
The vote guarantees the implementation of a key part of the League's programme of fiscal federalism.
Germany has made clear what kind of EU it envisions--a bigger version of its own federalism.
True, siting transmission lines is an exercise in the dark side of American federalism.
For better or worse, federalism is squarely ensconced in the architecture of the U.S. constitution.
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This elegant Commerce Clause argument generates, however, several odd implications about both federalism and individual rights.
There are two arguments against Section 3: the federalism argument and the equal-protection argument.
It would have been easier for all concerned if Spain had adopted federalism in 1978.
In an opposite offering, Mr Chirac did not mention federalism or the commission at all.
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Many Shias, not just Sunnis, suspect federalism of being an American-Kurdish plot to break up Iraq.
Mr Charest must hope that voters focus more on his federalism than on his administration.
The benefits of federalism and proportional representation are widely recognised, but hard to deliver.
Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, has spoken vaguely of the need for European federalism.
Cut spending by restoring federalism and revert most domestic and social functions back to the several states.
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He told BBC News that Europe of Freedom and Democracy would provide "real opposition" to European federalism.
Issues of federalism took up a significant portion of the discussion between the justices and the lawyers.
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The governor of the state of Eastern Equatoria, Louis Lobo Lojore, says his people want more federalism.
Northerners' reluctance to see their taxes go south lay behind the league's campaign for more fiscal federalism.
So rather than being a check on government, as textbooks suggest, federalism makes government bigger over time.
Federalism is further imperiled under this legal scenario, but sadly DoMA may have wrested the door open.
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In recent years, the Supreme Court, under the theory of federalism, has restored broad powers to the states.
Either way, the euro zone is heading for more federalism, and Britain may try to regain more sovereignty.
Muqtada al-Sadr, a radical Shia leader, strongly opposes federalism: in Najaf this week, his men fought fellow Shias.
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Kennedy seems to be giving serious consideration to striking down DOMA's Section 3 based on the federalism argument alone.
During his time in the Senate, Thompson emphasized his belief in federalism and the abilities of the free market.
Gun-rights arguments have their origins not in eighteenth-century Anti-Federalism but in twentieth-century liberalism.
Recent decisions from the Supreme Court delivered a one-two punch to American federalism.
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But there is no federalism argument in Hollingsworth, which concerns a state law.
Federalism prevented the incessant conflicts plaguing Eurasia and the dysfunction bedeviling Latin America.
But he notes that a form of fiscal federalism has been tried already.