Concentric counters that it now is running a federally funded trial of 120 patients.
Despite the political challenges of reform, the governments responsible were consistently re-elected both federally and provincially.
Our state woefully underfunded public health programs and struggled to provide matching funds for Federally-available assistance.
But earnings, if used for higher education, are federally tax free as of 2002.
Currently, only people who buy from federally licensed dealers are required to undergo background checks.
Currently, the system applies only to sales by the country's 55, 000 federally licensed firearms dealers.
The United States has more oil and gas reserves on federally owned lands than previously thought.
Just ask the nation's governors what federally mandated unfunded programs have done to their financial status.
Compassionate conservative George Bush would probably be willing to provide these folks federally funded job retraining.
Over the last five years, there have been 350 federally declared disasters in the United States.
Some are turning to a federally funded program that pays private landowners not to subdivide.
Safety isn't being compromised: Pilots would still maintain the federally mandated 5-kilometer separation between jets.
The speculators and reckless borrowers, who can trade in their rotten loans for federally insured loans?
It is the interface, while the banks hold the deposits in federally insured accounts.
Another would be a national sales tax, similar to state sales taxes but charged federally.
When a federally insured bank makes bets, he notes, it exposes the government to gigantic losses.
FORBES: Mo. Prof.: 'JPMorgan Runs The World's Largest Gambling Operation'
Nowhere does the law mention that subsidies can be distributed through federally operated exchanges.
Federally supported water projects fill swimming pools in Beverly Hills and flood citrus groves in Fresno.
In the U.S., Target has earned points for giving 5% of its federally taxable income to support community issues.
There are other private agencies and even partly federally funded programs that have researched these issues.
Of course, as with nearly any investment that isn't federally insured, there's a risk involved.
Makers say they can't risk selling federally approved products if they are still exposed to unpredictable verdicts.
FORBES: Can you sue a company for a product the feds approved?
Two species of fish are immediate beneficiaries: the federally threatened leopard darter and the Ouachita-strain smallmouth bass.
The number of federally guaranteed loans increased by 43 percent and loan awards increased by 68 percent.
Local offices that distribute federally-subsidized fuel assistance can't do it this year until the government is restarted.
So no federally or state funded student loans for those doing the arts, languages and so on.
FORBES: Should We Abolish Liberal Arts Degrees? Quite Possibly, Yes
Unlike cotton or coffee futures, wine contracts aren't sold on an organized exchange and aren't federally regulated.
In your health reform bill you have a provision to protect the federally funded subsidized community clinics.
They slashed state unemployment benefits and rejected federally funded Emergency Unemployment Compensation to 170, 000 laid-off workers.
As a federally licensed firearms dealer, the company already conducts presale background checks on purchasers of its guns.
FORBES: How The Obama Gun Boom Pushed The Fortune Of Two Brothers To $1.2 Billion