And given that the krill (tiny crustaceans) that penguins feed on are also dependent on the ice for their own existence (they feed on algae on the ice) - some colonies affected by eroded floes could face a double-whammy of high fledgling mortality and restricted food resources.
Economic Affairs Minister and CDA leader Maxime Verhagen said on his Twitter feed earlier on Monday that the main concern was "how, on the way to elections, we can keep the economy and finances on the rails".
Feeling a sense of deja vu on seeing the redesigned News Feed on Facebook?
They live on small mammals, especially rabbits, but also feed on kangaroos, lizards and carrion.
Crofters on Skye and in Wester Ross have claimed the birds feed on their stock.
One was the growth of in-house legal teams, pioneered by GE, who not only provide advice on routine matters but actively monitor and prune the thicket of outside lawyers that feed on every large company.
In addition to publishing this stuff on your News Feed, users want it on their timeline.
ENGADGET: Dan Rose talks about Facebook's ecosystem evolution, path to go 'mobile best' in 2013
Forbes feed on Flipboard is getting an upgrade and will be a featured feed later this week.
White did not mention either hack on his Twitter feed Friday morning, having moved on to promoting a fight card set for Saturday night.
While Facebook doesn't provide data on individuals to advertisers, it now can feed advertisers information on broad swaths of its members including their behavior outside of the social network.
While it doesn't affect birds that feed at sea, which is the vast majority of birds around the island, it could harm those that feed on land, such as ducks, gulls and skuas.
WSJ: This British Assault on an Island Off Argentina Is for the Birds
This vast and pristine tract is flooded for much of the year, providing excellent provender for some of the greatest wildlife diversity of any national park on the continent, including hundreds of bird species, many kinds of antelope and the big game that feed on them, such as lions, leopards and cheetahs.
Zite (which is owned by CNN) lets users create a feed based on their interests then refine the feed by voting content up or down.
"We don't force feed the animals, they feed and live freely on our land, " says the farm's owner, Eduardo Sousa.
Captain Tritus was in a foul mood, his mouth clenching a cigarette on one side, and on the other, muttering darkly about how he was expected to pay and feed his crew on an empty belly.
Raj is doing great work with faith leaders on our Feed the Future global hunger program, as well as on a host of other issues.
Progress continues on a supplemental ore feed system, with the project is on track for completion by year-end and 130, 000-ton-per-day throughput expected by the end of the first quarter of 2012.
FORBES: Goldcorp CEO Sees Higher 4Q Gold Output; Company Soon To Be Major Silver Producer
Whether epic or merely annoying, when does the January panic begin to feed on itself?
We have a lot of mouths to feed on this planet, and more every day.
FORBES: Saving the World With the Power of Ideas: A Conversation With Ramez Naam
Indeed, such contests feed on two common but powerful human forces: regret and social pressure.
FORBES: Helping Employees to Be Healthier: How About a Sweepstakes?
The large birds are known to feed on scraps of meat left behind by hunters.
Manefish are thought to steal food from or feed on a jellyfish-like animal called a siphonophore.
BBC: Earth News - Giant bizarre deep sea fish filmed in Gulf of Mexico
To date, the games have benefited from a live feed on the East Coast.
Once heavily hunted, humpback whales that feed on krill have made a comeback in Antarctic waters.
Unlike most butterflies, it does not feed on flowers but gets its nourishment from honeydew.
They feed on rodents and often conceal themselves in enclosed space to ambush their prey.
The Mets trust Harvey enough now to feed on his emotions and not let them overwhelm him.
And what if your business is not network equipment or auctioning off cattle feed on the Web?
What no smart money seems to want to feed on is pricey paper, of the bond variety.
With nothing to feed on, the witchweed then dies, leaving the field clear for the next sowing season.
ECONOMIST: A new twist on an old idea is improving farm yields in Africa