And he can chew and swallow his food where before he needed a feeding tube.
BBC: The electrodes were placed at specific points in the brain
How will you know if you want a feeding tube, tracheostomy, or other medical intervention?
In January last year, Samantha gave up all foods and became dependent on the feeding tube.
CNN: Take it from a girl who cannot eat, a feeding tube is no fad
Both children may need kidney transplants in the future, and Aaron needs a feeding tube for liquids.
Aaron needed a feeding tube for liquids for several months and both children may need kidney transplants in the future.
Sabatino, the lawyer, says that patients can say they would not want to be kept alive with a feeding tube in every state.
When Brenner met him, he was in intensive care with a tracheotomy and a feeding tube, having developed septic shock from a gallbladder infection.
For Samantha, the feeding tube has nothing to do with vanity.
CNN: Take it from a girl who cannot eat, a feeding tube is no fad
The Supreme Court rejected an appeal to restore a Florida law specifically designed to keep a severely brain-damaged woman, Terri Schiavo, alive on a feeding tube.
The Alabama state legislature has drawn up the Starvation and Dehydration Prevention Act, which prevents the removal of a feeding tube without written instructions from the patient.
Michael Schiavo came to advocate removing Terri's feeding tube, saying that she had told him before her accident that she would not want to be artificially kept alive.
You probably remember the case of Terri Schiavo, who had been in a coma for more than a decade when her husband requested the removal of her feeding tube.
The special court denied Mike and Theresa Cedillo's claim that vaccines caused autism in their daughter, Michelle, 14, who can't walk without help and receives nourishment from a feeding tube.
CNN: Autism ruling fails to convince many vaccine-link believers
Rita Nursing Home just this weekend we found another body who we think is a nursing home patient, a lady who had a feeding tube in her stomach, " Charles Foti Jr. told CNN's "American Morning.
We've previously shown that 11.6% of family members felt pressured by a physician to put a feeding tube in a dying patient with advanced dementia and about 10% reported that no one discussed that decision with them.
The important message, Teno says, is that we come to a national consensus for the use of a feeding tube and that patients set down in writing, via an advance directive or living will, what living (and dying) condition they find acceptable.
There are studies that suggest that forced tube feeding or intravenous feeding (known as hyperalimentation) can actually increase the risk of infection and death.
Ninety-five fans died after they were crushed within two pens at the Leppings Lane terrace of Sheffield Wednesday's stadium, while the 96th died three years later after a Law Lords ruling stopping his tube feeding.
Arthur was still feeding from a tube when he was discharged from hospital in Leicester in December 2009 and it was his parents, Rachel and Ben Kingham, who decided to try to get him to eat normally.
The 96th victim, who was left in a coma, died three years later after a ruling that his tube-feeding could be ended.
Another fan, Tony Bland, who was left in a coma, died in 1993 after the Law Lords ruled that doctors could stop tube-feeding him.