She builds on this to suggest that Ulster's Catholics and Protestants might yet forge a new, regional identity, if Catholics finally attain a state in which they can feelateasewith themselves.
The Sage Gateshead has already been involved in working with schools and the community with the aim that once the venue opens, those it has already worked with will feelateasewith visiting the impressive building.
Mr MacDorman wants to do more tests, but he surmises that the discomfort many Japanese feel when dealing with other people has something to do with his results, and that they are much more atease when talking to an android.
With these tools in place, the board can feelatease because the data is protected while their employees are working more efficiently on whatever mobile device they choose.
She notes that people are just now beginning to feel more atease when addressing peers about philanthropy, showing a bit less reluctance in this situation than in discussing their charities with the press or the general public.