But sentiments like these are no laughing matter when consumers feel embarrassed about the brands they once coveted and purchased.
"We feel embarrassed that the world is now viewing our city and our community through a lens of violence, " the statement said.
"You feel embarrassed when you are coming out of it, " he said.
Dr. TAHIR AMIN (Political Analyst, Pakistan): They feel embarrassed and alienated.
And while the recession and keeping her business profitable are her biggest concerns, she doesn't think women should feel embarrassed about loving to shop for clothes.
Are there particular things that you claimed for you now realise in the cold light of print you shouldn't have done and you feel embarrassed about?
The issue is not that women feel forced to stay at home and be barefoot and pregnant, but more that mothers who work feel embarrassed to ask for what they need.
"We want all schools to make it impossible to tell who 'pays' for lunch or not, so that no child could ever feel embarrassed about claiming what's rightfully theirs, " she says.
Paul Gretton, team manager for the East Midlands Trading Standards' Scambusters Unit, said there could be further victims who feel too embarrassed to come forward.
But despite prostate cancer being the second leading cause of deaths among men, with a life lost to the disease every six minutes, it is a taboo subject for many men, who can feel too embarrassed to mention the condition.
Now, sometimes, I feel a bit embarrassed when I say I work in advertising.
She says JPMorgan made her children feel anxious and embarrassed about being suspended for non-payment.
Understandably, those analysts feel a bit embarrassed by this turn of events.
Time at meetings is one useful vehicle, but sometimes concerns need to be raised in one-on-one conversations, so directors don???t feel intimidated or embarrassed.
And how makers of big cars and trucks will ever be able to convince drivers to feel anything but embarrassed about a vehicle that gets four miles per gallon is among their biggest challenges.
Syria will feel even more isolated and embarrassed if its sole solid ally is Iran.
ECONOMIST: As the turmoil persists, more Syrians are leaving or hiding
It implies that you should feel guilty, shamed or embarrassed for liking something that brings you joy.
We should not be ashamed, embarrassed or made to feel politically incorrect when using the term geriatric.
Judy sometimes made comments calling attention to this disparity, and it was painful to see how hurt, powerless, and embarrassed this made Mike feel.
There are people, obviously, in the military and otherwise, in the foreign policy establishment, who feel they are going to be embarrassed if this comes out.
And if that makes you feel happy, rather than awkward and embarrassed, then you definitely are.