He's a thoughtful man of 51 with a more than routine feelingofresponsibility for the onetime family firm that was founded by his great-great grandfather in Somerville, Mass. 126 years ago.
She reminds us that this is how change happens -- not mainly through the exploits of the famous and the powerful, but through the countless acts of often anonymous courage and kindness and fellow feeling and responsibility that continually, stubbornly, expand our conception of justice -- our conception of what is possible.
There is no doubting his maturity, as well as his enthusiasm and his passion, when he talks about his feeling for art and his sense ofresponsibility to the institution he leads as well as to its millions of visitors.
Parents and responsible adults need to be aware of many issues online, and my personal feeling has always been that this should not be a responsibility that the state assumes, it belongs in the family home.