The stage, said the Baptist minister's grandson, "always feels like home - it's where I belong".
Now some popular hit makers like Cyndi Lauper and Sting are finding it still feels like home.
And I just want you to know that Iowa always feels like home to me, because I spend so much time here. (Applause.) So, all right, thank you, everybody.
They opened it to paying guests in 1996, but it still feels like the home of the coolest people you know, especially when everyone gathers in the living room for cocktails and dinner at a communal table.
Clearly, the peace and quiet of working from home feels like isolation for some.
It feels like I have come home again so I'm really happy.
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True, a year on this planet lasts just two Earth days, but NASA's Jack Lissauer says the planet feels quite a bit like home.
Joe Galli feels like he has come home again, walking stores and factories far from the digital fantasyland occupied by Jeff Bezos and John Doerr.
In the meantime, the dock feels more like a second home for the tablet, best saved for those rare occasions when you'll need to do, say, some serious word processing.
And hopefully, everything feels just a little bit more like home again.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady and Dr. Biden Speak on the Joining Forces Anniversary | The White House
This one feels like much more than the first of 81 home games.
Notable: The owners of this brown shingled home perched on a Mill Valley hillside say it feels like a tree house albeit one with three levels, a wine cellar and a "Harry Potter" room under the stairs where their daughter once liked to hide.
These days, New York City -- to the surprise of many of us who live here -- feels more and more like those "safer" suburbs that many former Gotham residents now call home.
"The at-home experience has gotten better and cheaper, while the in-stadium experience feels like it hasn't, " said Eric Grubman, the NFL's executive vice president of ventures and business operations.
"Now we need to... rally together to look next door and bring .... Ashley Summers, home, " Ruiz said, adding that her family feels connected in spirit to missing people like Summers.