It was, in truth, the way I fell in love with the place for good.
He says: I'm a gay American who fell in love with a foreigner.
"I didn't want people to think that I fell in love with that person, " she said.
"While she was here, she fell in love with Boston and its people, " the statement said.
He stayed there because he fell in love with the country, Janis Puracal said.
Kim moved to Seattle from California years ago and fell in love with the city.
Mrs Hall fell in love with the UK and decided to settle here after the war.
They fell in love with the place as he was preparing to retire from Home Depot.
Many kinds of people fell in love with her music and especially her voice.
Bo kho was among a variety of southern specialties she fell in love with.
Koonce said she fell in love with Saturn before she was old enough to drive.
Normally I daydream during parts of class, but I fell in love with entrepreneurship during this class.
As predicted, they fell in love with John and we were selected to be on the show.
"I came over and saw the team and just instantly fell in love with them, " Penny recalled.
CNN: Ex-NBA star coaches middle school, transforms his 'hood
As a teenager, I fell in love with the writings of the brilliant poet Langston Hughes (1902-67).
"I fell in love with my country when I was a prisoner in someone else's, " he said.
When I first heard the tenor voice, I immediately fell in love with this kind of music.
"I fell in love with her things in the window of a shop called Absinthe, " he recalls.
Bangalore native Gaurav Sikka fell in love with the original ABC Brewpub while studying at the University of Michigan.
In the 20th century rail travel languished as Americans fell in love with cars and interstate highways.
Sister Charitini Karanasio grew up nearby, and she fell in love with the area as a little girl.
In the end he is superman to me and his mind is what I fell in love with.
FORBES: Paul Allen and Rodney Dangerfield: Neither Got Enough Respect.
He was the perfect ambassador because he opened our eyes to a great country, and we fell in love with it.
Sandberg fell in love with Dave Goldberg, her longtime best friend, and the two were married in 2004.
It was a fun trip, not least because everyone in our group fell in love with the car.
He began his online odyssey in 1992 when he quit Fox and fell in love with his PowerBook laptop.
Republicans fell in love with this thing, and now they can't stop talking about how much they hate it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at White House Correspondents Dinner
Mercedes certainly isn't turning out to be the sugar daddy that Chrysler executives fell in love with in 1998.
While still a teenager, he fell in love with his future wife, Svetlana, with whom he has a son.
"I just fell in love with Valegro when I saw him, " Dujardin said.