Can we be so sure it is fellow-feeling rather than instinct that drives us to our virtuous as well as our vicious actions?
WSJ: Matt Ridley on what a Rat Rescue Says About People | Mind & Matter
The name of Montague Rhodes James is not widely recognized in America, and there will be little fellow-feeling for the world he chose to inhabit.
NEWYORKER: Fright Nights
Sarah told Luhrmann how, one day, after a lunch at a restaurant with fellow-parishioners, she was feeling good about herself, whereupon, as she was crossing the parking lot, a bird shat on her blouse.
NEWYORKER: Seeing and Believing
NATO, pro-Serb feeling by fellow Orthodox Greek Cypriots.
She reminds us that this is how change happens -- not mainly through the exploits of the famous and the powerful, but through the countless acts of often anonymous courage and kindness and fellow feeling and responsibility that continually, stubbornly, expand our conception of justice -- our conception of what is possible.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
His fellow-workers saw him as an artist as much as a scientist, bringing to his discipline an instinctive feeling of what would work.