He has endorsed female genital mutilation as a - which is euphemistically referred to as female circumcision.
Other subjects will include family planning, domestic violence, female circumcision and the wearing of veils or headscarves.
As a case of the bizarre effects of competition between scholars, take some recent exchanges on female circumcision.
The show's content is not for the faint-hearted, with strong language and jokes about religion, Aids and female circumcision.
Groups in favour of female circumcision helped build support for the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya in the 1950s.
ECONOMIST: Banning the practice may not be the best way of ending it
No other African country that has recently banned female circumcision, including Egypt, Ghana and Burkina Faso, dares enforce the law.
ECONOMIST: Banning the practice may not be the best way of ending it
Female circumcision is illegal in the UK. The maximum penalty for carrying it out was recently increased from five to 14 years.
But he adds that it is wrong to make an exception for involuntary male circumcision when female circumcision is seen as barbaric.
How does a Westerner respond to a Dassanech ceremony celebrating female circumcision?
One of them, Lord Justice Auld, said female circumcision was an "evil practice" which violates Article 3 (degrading treatment) of the European Convention of Human Rights.
His conclusion: Courts may have a tougher time than you think determining why female circumcision could be made illegal but male circumcision not, even on religious grounds.
FORBES: I'm Not Making This Up Dept.: San Francisco Mulls Ban On Circumcisions
Her African upbringing, as she recounts the story, was dark, fearful, full of tedious labour, meaningless rituals and irrational cruelty of which female circumcision was only the most egregious example.
In some communities female genital mutilation, also known as female circumcision, is seen as a traditional rite of passage and is used culturally to ensure virginity and to make a woman marriageable.
As I considered that, my mind flashed to my liberal arts college's Women's Studies classes' literature about female circumcision being used in some countries for the precise reason of decreasing sexual pleasure.
Mr Blunkett is not personally keen on the idea of the oath but would like to enjoin newcomers to undertake to learn some English and to forswear unEnglish activities such as forced marriages and female circumcision.
But logic requires judges to follow a tortured path of first determining that female circumcision is medically unnecessary and deprives women of future sexual pleasure, while male circumcision has some medical justifications and does not unduly deprive men of sexual pleasure.
FORBES: I'm Not Making This Up Dept.: San Francisco Mulls Ban On Circumcisions
The CMC volunteers will be trained in how to identify cases of gender-based violence, how to communicate with victims and how to create and animate radio programmes sensitizing the listeners to such issues as early marriage, female circumcision, wife inheritance, incest etc.
The data, released by the UN children's charity and UN population fund on the international day calling for an end to FMG, showed that the younger generation was less vulnerable to female circumcision in 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East where it is usually practised.
The article reported on a Ugandan HIV circumcision study ending early because it showed that circumcising men who already have HIV does not protect their female partners from the virus.
FORBES: Circumcision Makes You Crazy. So Holland Moves To Stop It.