Jack also developed physical side effects including gynaecomastia (male breast enlargement), caused by the increased levels of the female hormone oestrogen in the body.
Women who are being treated for breast cancer are often prohibited from using traditional hormone replacement therapy because breast cancer can be sensitive to estrogen, the predominant female hormone.
CNN: Health - Anti-depressant counters hot flashes from menopause, chemotherapy
The drug works by using high doses of the female hormone progestin, which also is contained in birth-control pills, to block a potentially fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's uterus.
WSJ: Judge Eases Restrictions on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive
The drug works by using high doses of the female hormone progestin, which also is contained in birth-control pills, to prevent ovulation or block a potentially fertilized egg from becoming implanted in a woman's uterus, according to the drug's label.
WSJ: Judge Eases Restrictions on Plan B Emergency Contraceptive
Until now, treatment has included vaginal lubricants and therapy with the female sex hormone oestrogen.
Tamoxifen blocks the female sex hormone oestrogen that fuels the growth of some breast tumours.
BBC: Scientists find why tamoxifen fails some breast cancers
The morning-after pill contains a higher dose of the female progestin hormone than is in regular birth control pills.
Dr Perls suggests that the main determinant of both lifespan and age of menopause may be oestrogen, the principal female sex hormone.
The current combined pill, which contains progesterone and another female sex hormone oestrogen, has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer.
The cause of this condition is unknown, but it is thought that it might be caused by elevated levels of the female sex hormone oestrogen.
For example, higher levels of the female sex hormone estrogen can stimulate the growth of breast and endometrial cancers, and fat cells are known to produce estrogen.
These hormones include cortisol (which is related to stress), estradiol (the main female sex hormone) and prolactin (which, as its name suggests, triggers her breast tissue to develop the ability to secrete milk).
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Campbell has perfected that technique, using a kind of Mata Hari goat, a sterilized female with a hormone implant in her ear that puts her in a constant state of estrus, or heat.
Edinburgh Zoo has said hormone changes in its female panda indicate she will come into heat within days.
Keepers at Edinburgh Zoo as still waiting for female giant panda Tian Tian's hormone levels to peak before she can be introduced to her mate.
Part of this masculinisation process affects the brain, and even quite small superfluous doses of the hormone can have effects on developing female brains.
Earlier research suggests that circulating levels of a potent stress hormone, corticosterone, in the female before conception or egg laying is a dominant factor.
These are the male sex hormone testosterone and desogestrel, a synthetic steroid found in the female pill.
They said hormone treatments such as tibolone (Livial) which used male sex hormones called androgens, rather than female hormones, were more successful in increasing libido.