In 2010, physicists at Fermilab said they were closing in on the elusive particle.
Inside this short time window, the burst of neutrinos from Fermilab will be much easier to spot.
They are great for calibration, said Mat Muether, a Fermilab post-doctoral researcher who has been working on the detector.
But if the OPERA result holds up, Fermilab may find itself in a far more interesting position than it expected.
The researchers from the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF), however, do seem to have confirmed a discrepancy between matter and antimatter.
Based on two experiments, the Fermilab team found that there is only a one-in-550 chance that the signal was a statistical fluke.
WSJ: Physicists Find Signs of Higgs Boson, or 'God Particle'
Once the upgraded Fermilab neutrino beam starts, the NOvA detector will take data every 1.3 seconds to synchronize with the Fermilab accelerator .
So physicists are eagerly seeking more, and two groups working at Fermilab, a particle-physics laboratory near Chicago, think they have found a candidate.
Later this year, Fermilab, outside of Chicago, will start sending a beam of neutrinos 500 miles through the earth to the NOvA detector near the Canadian border.
Fermilab is America's premier national laboratory for particle physics research.
Joseph Lykken, a physicist at Fermilab in Illinois, warned that based on the physics we know (and the details of the Higgs) things don't look good for the cosmos.
If NOvA finds the same result as OPERA and MINOS, then the post-Einsteinian era of physics really will have begun, and Fermilab will be in the thick of it.
They are known as fermions, after Enrico Fermi, the physicist who built the first nuclear reactor, and who also gave his name to Fermilab, a particle-physics laboratory near Chicago.
ECONOMIST: Particle physics makes sense, but it assumes too much
Dr Joseph Lykken of Fermilab, who is among the conference organisers, says he and others working in the field are "disappointed" by the results - or rather, the lack of them.
Pier Oddone, Fermilab's boss, plans to follow it with the Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE), which will send a yet-more intense beam of the particles to an underground laboratory in South Dakota.
For a quarter of a century before CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) began working in earnest in 2009 the Tevatron, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, near Chicago, dominated high-energy physics.
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And Fermilab is well placed to investigate them.
ECONOMIST: The future of physics (1): So long, and thanks for all the quarks | The
"We have enough to get me excited that I'd be willing to bet your house it's real but not enough to bet my house, " said particle physicist Rob Roser of Fermilab, which oversees the Tevatron collider.
WSJ: Physicists Find Signs of Higgs Boson, or 'God Particle'
The U.S.-based scientists outlined their final analysis based on more than 10 years of research and 500 trillion particle collisions using the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermilab Tevatron collider near Batavia, Illinois, whose budgetary woes shut it down last year.
Switchback after switchback finally leads to the telescope itself, where Annis, a Fermilab astrophysicist and colleagues, have been fine-tuning the attached digital camera that offers the next best hope in answering questions about the true nature of dark energy responsible for the inexplicable accelerating expansion of the observable universe.
Don't expect to see one of these in a commercial DSLR anytime soon (especially now that Mamiya has left the game), but a division of DALSA Semiconductor has successfully manufactured and delivered a 111 megapixel image sensor that's only been topped on these pages by the 500 megapixel monster inside Fermilab's Dark Energy Camera.