Continue ferrying supplies to Mir but stop having U.S. astronauts live on the station.
His punishment was to run around doing Naseer's bidding, including ferrying the travellers to the airport.
He said he also helped out at a cousin's business ferrying children to school.
Chinooks hovered above ferrying troops in and out in a constant chain of noisy activity.
The wooden boat they were on is believed to have been ferrying mostly Afghans.
Civil defence helicopters, boats and lorries have been ferrying food and other supplies to the affected area.
It remains to be seen what will be ferrying our groceries home in the years to come.
Under current plans, this would see the vehicle ferrying crews to the International Space Station (ISS) the following year.
And it will be ferrying supplies back and forth from Port Au Prince.
The U.S. suspected the boat was ferrying weapons bound for Palestinian militants in Gaza, according to a defense official.
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The old delivery systems could be relegated to utilities, mindlessly ferrying data packets from one node to the next.
The kingdom will never develop a dynamic economy if husbands spend hours every day ferrying wives to and from work.
The crew exploration vehicle will be capable of ferrying astronauts and scientists to the space station after the shuttle is retired.
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Its most striking feature is to delegate the humdrum task of ferrying people and equipment to low-Earth orbit to the private sector.
The transport helicopter, ferrying seven U.S. Marines, banked suddenly to the right.
In the body, HDL appears to play a role in removing cholesterol plaque from the arteries and ferrying it out of the body.
In August, as a result of deregulation, a new airline will start ferrying passengers between Sapporo and Tokyo at half the present fare.
ECONOMIST: The first of an occasional series on Japan��s economic pains
"That's a really self-defeating way of posing the question because you say 'get back to' and 'ferrying back and forth', " he said, clearly irked.
Master cynic Joe Queenan once cited an expert with an interesting take on those heartwarming tales of dolphins ferrying drowning swimmers back to shore.
Barger, the CEO of JetBlue Airways, said on CNBC that JFK might allow flights ferrying aircraft and crew members as soon as Tuesday night.
Mr Turner has cherished his dream of ferrying pilgrims at Sangam since 1989, when as a 21-year-old backpacker in India he visited that year's Kumbh festival.
Granted a virtual shipping monopoly early in Mitsubishi's history, Iwasaki repaid the favor in 1877 by ferrying troops to put down a rebellion in the south.
Ferrying her two boys to and from school every day, she found more and more parents looking for a solution to their own school run problem.
His choice of aggressive treatments helped him survive until a heart attack claimed him on an aircraft ferrying him from one climate meeting to the next.
Their salaries, expenses, and maintenance costs (such as ferrying their cars back and forth) are all significantly higher for similar work done in the private sector.
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Andrew Turner has built the boat and is ferrying pilgrims for free at Sangam, the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers, where the festival is held.
When it goes into service later this year, it will be the biggest, baddest airliner around, capable of ferrying from 550 to 800 passengers (depending on configuration).
The civilian "Women Air Service Pilots" performed important military duties including ferrying combat aircraft from the factories where they were made to various air bases around the country.
To duplicate that process in a laboratory, scientists uses a device called a bioreactor, which has various tubes ferrying materials to the heart and whisking away waste products.
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On one tour, he takes the group to a rooftop overlooking the river, to see the heavily trafficked waterway filled with small, wooden boats, ferrying people and goods across.