The Vatican has stepped up its campaigns against legislation on abortion and in vitro fertilization.
These considerable data repositories are conducive for cross-fertilization and until now have been mostly untapped.
She suggested in vitro fertilization or adoption, but she says he rejected both ideas.
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All artificial fertilization in the country is carried out between married men and women.
It is clear that the consequences of ocean fertilization are not yet fully understood.
But my immediate impression that someone who sings like this would have to go in vitro fertilization...
If there has been fertilization, Plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from embedding in the uterus.
Edwards, who won a Nobel Prize in 2010 for co-developing in-vitro fertilization, has died this week.
In a few areas, such as in vitro fertilization and mental health, insurance plans often restrict coverage.
The couple had tried to get pregnant in vain for five years until Dion underwent in-vitro fertilization.
We also crowdfunded our first baby: A couple raised money to be able to afford in vitro fertilization.
Embryonic stem cells taken from in vitro fertilization clinics might have allowed researchers to develop new toxicology screens.
This concept of open dialogue and idea cross-fertilization is extremely relevant and important in a social innovation context.
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All this activity is keeping old people young, and encouraging the cultural growth that comes from cross-generational fertilization.
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After trying unsuccessfully for five years to get pregnant, Ms. Barth saw in vitro fertilization as her last chance.
Adding iron or other nutrients to surface waters in the open ocean is a process known as Ocean Fertilization.
The couple also says they long wanted to be parents and had seven unsuccessful attempts at in vitro fertilization.
Last year researchers in the private sector culled stem cells from donated embryos that had been produced for in-vitro fertilization.
She said her husband, Khalifa Alhayal, gave her hope to realize her dream and they became parents through in vitro fertilization.
Also contentious are refund programs that offer money back if in vitro fertilization fails and patients don't take a baby home.
In Massachusetts, for example, every insurance policy must cover in vitro fertilization, even if you're a 25-year-old male, or a nun.
We stress our concern about the potential environmental impacts of ocean fertilization.
Frist's principles include banning human cloning and allowing taxpayer dollars for research only on embryos created for in-vitro fertilization and not from abortions.
Children conceived by in vitro fertilization and other technologies have higher rates of prematurity and low birth weights, conditions associated with behavioral and developmental problems.
One is that all human life beginning from fertilization is sacred.
These proposed interventions range from ocean fertilization to large-scale cloud seeding.
In 1968, Dr. Edwards teamed with Dr. Steptoe to study fertilization and develop methods that would allow the sperm and egg to survive outside the womb.
The Vatican has over recent decades issued blanket condemnations of artificial methods of birth control, in-vitro fertilization, therapeutic and reproductive cloning, and human embryonic stem cell research.
But creating a stem cell requires destroying embryos when they are five-day-old balls of a hundred cells, such as fertilized eggs discarded after an in vitro fertilization.
It was when the Kyoto accord was first signed in 1997 that George started thinking of new ways to sell carbon credits and started researching iron fertilization.