One of the festering complaints folks have about cellphones is the lackluster buying experience.
The near-disaster and festering economic situation in Greece made all Eurozone creditors very nervous.
Dissatisfaction has been festering since the last time the Baptists met in San Antonio, in 1988.
In New Orleans, they're tearing down moldy sheetrock, clearing out festering carpets, patching up roofs.
At almost every juncture, there has been a festering petri dish of sociological behavior to study.
FORBES: Why Asking What Adria Richards Could Have Done Differently Is The Wrong Question
WTO's dispute-settlement procedures also need urgent overhaul to stop such rows festering in future.
The festering public anger toward the U.S. gives the Saudis little incentive to cooperate.
The whole movie is contaminated with the psychological fallout, the festering grievances, recriminations and jealousies.
Uganda and Sudan agreed earlier this month to end a festering proxy war on their frontier.
The FOMC and China manufacturing news have, for the moment, overshadowed the festering European Union sovereign debt crisis.
If implemented, it would help defuse some festering resentments by making more officials accountable to the people they serve.
But the crisis has revealed deeper problems that have been festering for years.
The Eritreans say that the problems had been festering for a long time.
ECONOMIST: Ethiopia and Eritrea: Why are they fighting? | The
IMF, but it will be a mere sticking-plaster over a festering financial wound.
And to say the least, this societal angst over crony capitalism, consumerism, and commercialism appears to be festering and fermenting.
Safe-haven buying interest is featured to start the new trading week, amid the ongoing and festering European Union debt crisis.
And the row over tax could affect ten times more trade than the festering disputes over bananas and beef hormones.
The proffered salve for festering sovereign debt sores is increasingly concentrated power.
Consider the festering quarrel over the presidency of the European Central Bank.
In the meantime, though, its problems are festering: a deal for Foxconn to buy a 9.9 percent stake appears to have fallen through.
ENGADGET: Sharp will miss deadline for $60M Qualcomm investment, is getting an extension instead
These are genuine long-term issues, as the U.S. government will have to deal soon with fiscal problems that have been festering for decades.
FORBES: The Fiscal Cliff Diversion Has Nothing To Do With Tax Policy
Yet his firing is indicative of other issues which have been festering at the core of the USC athletics program during the last decade.
FORBES: USC's Fall From College Sports Elite A Cautionary Tale
This is a problem that has been festering ever since and concern escalated last summer when the focus, in particular, shifted to the French banks.
Asking for a lower rate was salt in a festering wound.
FORBES: Negotiating for Something You Think You Can't Get? Show Up in Drag.
The ones who do come to see the ruins of Pompeii, a city once buried under ash, leave by roads buried today under festering waste.
In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences.
The globe is littered with festering hot spots ready to implode.
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His assassination brought out resentments that had been festering for years.
But a growing number of Turkish officials concede that the any effective solution to the country's long-festering Kurdish problem needs first to be addressed at home.
Even though the U.S. economy is healing overall, there are festering cities and states (can you say Illinois?) whose risk versus reward is not in your favor.